15 Things You Have To See In Chapultepec Castle


Either because of its architectural beauty or its historical importance, the tourist attraction that the Castle of Chapultepec has for visitors to Mexico City is undeniable.

In its function as the National Museum of History, it houses a large number of emblematic pieces and artistic works that you cannot miss.

In order to prepare you so that you have a complete visit, below I will show you the 15 things that you cannot miss, if you visit the Castle of Chapultepec.

1. The train to the entrance

It is advisable to visit the Castle of Chapultepec between Tuesday and Saturday, since during these days a little train travels that takes you from the outskirts of the forest to the entrance of the museum.

On Sundays the train is not running, so if you want to get to the entrance you will have to walk through the entire Paseo la Reforma (about 500 meters).

The castle does not open its doors on Monday.

2. Its facade in the best style of royalty

The Castle of Chapultepec has the characteristic of being considered the only castle belonging to royalty in all of Latin America, so its architecture had to show itself at the height.

From its cobblestones to the shape of its balconies, this castle is related to others that you could find anywhere in Europe.

3. The pieces of the presidents who occupied the castle

Before becoming the Museum of National History, it is known that Chapultepec Castle was previously the presidential residence that housed a large number of Mexican leaders.

Among the exhibits you will find various pieces that illustrate the life of these figures, ranging from entire paintings and murals to old belongings donated to the museum.

4. The gala carriage of Maximiliano and Carlota

One of the most popular exhibits that you will find at Chapultepec Castle is the royal carriage in which Emperor Maximiliano and his wife Carlota paraded through Mexico City.

With the characteristic elegance of 19th century Europe, this carriage was made with pieces of gold and adorned with harlequins, remaining in practically perfect condition since the days when it was used.

5. Mural "From Porfirism to the Revolution"

One of the artistic works that best reflects the importance of the Mexican Revolution is found in the Castle of Chapultepec, baptized under the name: "From Porfirism to Revolution".

Elaborated by David Alfaro Siqueiros, it is a mural that covers an entire room, which captures various emblematic characters that begin from the Porfiriato (on the right) to the revolution (on the left).

6. The surroundings of Cerro del Chapulín

One of the characteristics of the Chapultepec Castle is that it was built so that the viceroy of New Spain could live with all possible comfort, which is why it was located on the top of a beautiful hill called the Cerro del Chapulín.

If you want direct contact with mother nature, take advantage of this visit to explore the surroundings of the castle and contemplate all its beauty.

7. The castle gardens

As much for its imposing sculptures as for its central fountains and its beautiful green areas, strolling through the gardens of the Castillo de Chapultepec is ideal to take a break from everyday life and simply relax.

8. Tour of the Siqueiros Room

On the ground floor of the Castillo de Chapultepec you will find the Sala de Siqueiros, which is a set of bedrooms whose exhibits cover a wide variety of themes.

Among them, the following stand out:

  • Room 1: Two Isolated Continents
  • Room 2, 3, 4 and 5: The Kingdom of New Spain
  • Room 6: The War of Independence
  • Room 7 and 8: The Young Nation
  • Room 9 and 10: Towards Modernity
  • Room 11 and 12: 20th century

9. Tour of the rooms

For those who want to learn more about the life of historical figures such as Francisco Madero, Álvaro Obregón and Pancho Villa, a visit to the Chapultepec Castle offers a tour of the rooms they occupied.

On the top floor of the museum, you can find the following exhibits:

  • Room 13: History of Private and Daily Life
  • Room 14: Hall of the Malaquitas
  • Room 15: Hall of the Viceroys

10. Archaeological pieces

In the Castle of Chapultepec you can study the history closely, but not only that referring to the time of colonization, but also that of the pre-Hispanic culture.

In the enclosure there is a variety of sculptures, paintings and archaeological pieces from cultures such as the Mayans or the Mexicas.

11. The Stained Glass of Porfirio

One of the most outstanding characteristics of the Porfiriato's period of economic prosperity was the growing interest in French culture and its intention to replicate several of its artistic expressions.

Having lived in Chapultepec Castle for a long period of time, Porfirio left that artistic mark on several of his rooms, highlighting the beautiful Tiffany stained glass windows that are displayed in the corridors of the second floor.

In them, 5 figures of mythological goddesses are illustrated: Flora, Ceres, Diana, Hebe and Pomona.

12. The Alcazar

In the central courtyard of the Castillo de Chapultepec, there is one of the architectural exhibits that you must see if you visit its facilities.

It is a classical-style building, very similar to those built in Europe in the 18th century, whose statues and green areas that surround it make this structure a beautiful work worthy of admiration.

13. Mural of the Children Heroes

During the period whose facilities served as a military college, the castle was bombarded by US forces and most of those who defended the building's heritage were underage children.

Over time, these children are considered heroes to the Mexican people. Not only are their names remembered, but a variety of artistic works (from paintings to sculptures) were also illustrated in their honor.

The Mural de los Niños Héroes is an example of this. Located on the roof of one of the rooms of the Castillo de Chapultepec, it becomes one of the main exhibits you should look for, if you visit the museum.

14. The Juan O ‘Gorman Room

The famous architect and painter Juan O ‘Gorman is also present in the Chapultepec Castle, with an entire room dedicated to his works that exhibits photographs, paintings and objects of his belonging.

Undoubtedly, the most representative piece in this room is the huge mural that surrounds the room, which reflects from the most important figures to the most significant cultural elements for the history of Mexico.

15. The view of Paseo la Reforma

A curious fact about the Castle of Chapultepec is that while it was inhabited by Emperor Maximiliano, his wife Carlota had an entire avenue and a set of balconies built, so that she could sit and wait for her husband's arrival when he left home.

First baptized Paseo Carlota and then nicknamed Paseo la Reforma, just like the Empress did, you can sit and enjoy the beautiful view of the city that you will only get from the heights of the castle.

With all these exhibits to see at Chapultepec Castle, it is recommended to take a full day to properly enjoy the visit to its facilities.

Which of these 15 things to see would you visit first? Share your opinion in the comment section.


Video: Chapultepec castle, Mexico city. Green paradise in downtown (July 2024).