Campeche city, the discovery of a wall


Capital of the state of the same name, Campeche still preserves a large part of its incredible wall that protected it -during the Colony-, from the constant attacks of pirates and other gandals. Admire it!

Campeche is a beautiful walled city with a warm climate. Formerly it was a strategic port for commercial exchange between New Spain and the New World, so it was continuously besieged by pirates; Today it is an unmissable destination to visit in the Mexican southeast. Declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, Campeche keeps echoes of the past in its neighborhoods, temples, squares and elegant Spanish-style houses; while its imposing bastions have been turned into interesting museums and gardens.

Another reason why you should include it on your travel list is that nearby is the archaeological site of Edzná and, a couple of hours away, the majestic Calakmul.

Historical Center

Walking through its streets you will discover magnificent spaces such as the Doctor Román Piña Chan Stela Museum or Museum of Mayan architecture (inside the Baluarte de la Soledad); the World Heritage Park with its interactive fountain; the Plaza de la Independencia, and around it, the buildings erected to give legitimacy to the conquerors, such as the Shipyard, the Customs, the Audience and the Cathedral. Other sites that are worth a visit are the Casa No. 6 Cultural Center, the Carvajal Mansion, the Francisco de Paula Toro Theater and the Municipal Palace.

Fort of San Miguel

Built towards the end of the 18th century to protect the city from pirates, it is a quadrangular building with two bridges, two small bastions, troop accommodation, kitchen and warehouses. Today it is a museum.

Bastion of San Francisco

It is the second largest of the old port, having an area of ​​1,342 square meters before being divided by the passage of the train. It was built at the end of the 17th century to protect the Puerta de la Tierra. Today it exhibits a permanent exhibition of pirate museography, where you can see replicas of chests and arches to scale.

Bastion of Santiago

It was the last of the colossi erected to defend the city of Campeche, which is why it closed the wall that protected the city. It is currently the headquarters of the Xmuch'Haltún Didactic Botanical Garden, which brings together nearly two hundred plant species, including ceiba, palo de tinte (a hardwood tree from which a colorant highly sought after by the textile industry was extracted), jipijapa palm, tree del balché and achiote.


Located in a beautiful 18th century house, the Tukulná House of Handicrafts houses a rich sample of artisan imagery, with materials as typical as hippie japa and bull's horn, converted into hammocks, dresses and other accessories and ornaments.

The Malecon

Walk this nice walker during sunset, you will have a wonderful view! There is also a track for skating and cycling, as well as viewpoints and recreation areas.


55 km from the city of Campeche is the Casa de los Itzaes, one of the most interesting Mayan cities in Mexico, due to the technological advances that its inhabitants showed there. You can visit numerous religious, administrative and residential buildings that preserve architectural rays similar to the puuc and chenes styles.

Xtacumbilxunaan caves

115 km northeast of Campeche is located this enigmatic space, considered sacred by the Mayans. Its name means "place of the hidden woman" and inside there are capricious stalactites and stalagmites. One of the most beautiful places is the "witch's balcony", where you can see an open vault, through which some rays of sun enter. There are light and sound shows from Tuesday to Sunday.


This imposing archaeological zone is located in a Biosphere Reserve (140 km from the state capital), recognized as a Mixed (natural and cultural) asset of Mexico by UNESCO. It is the largest metropolis of the Mayans, seat of their military, cultural and economic power. Here you will be amazed by the pyramids and buildings that make up the Great Plaza.

Campechecolonial citiesstatesbeachesjungle


Video: Mexico: Campeche Daily Life - International Living (May 2024).