Pure adrenaline in the State of Mexico


The State of Mexico, by water, air and land, seems to have been created expressly for adventure sports.

Its territory, made up of mountainous areas and valleys, offers wonderful landscapes that represent for those who like outdoor activities, a preferred place for practice and entertainment, and for all of us the challenge of conserving these natural beauties. For example, to practice mountaineering, the entity has three volcanoes, two located in the Anáhuac mountain range, also known as the Neovolcanic Axis: the Popocatépetl (5,452 m), which means “Smoking Mountain”, and the Iztaccíhuatl (5 230 m), "White Woman", venerated by the Aztecs, who gave them those names; and the Xinantécatl or Nevado de Toluca, which dominates the Toluca valley, scenes of the tough and exhausting mountain marathons.

For rock climbing, walks, field days, paragliding flights and mountain bike tours, the State of Mexico offers, among other places, protected areas, some shared with the entities of Morelos, Puebla, Michoacán and the Federal District , such as the Bosencheve National Park, the Zempoala Lagunas, La Marquesa, the Carmen or Nixcongo Desert, the Nevado de Toluca and Izta-Popo National Parks, the Desierto de los Leones and the spectacular and unique Sanctuary of the Monarch Butterfly, all providing the opportunity for endless outdoor activities.

For diving, the two lagoons of Nevado de Toluca: that of the Sun (4,209 masl) and that of the Moon (4,216 masl) are ideal, although it should be noted that to practice diving it is necessary to hire the services of specialized people and who knows the place.

Do not forget Valle de Bravo, recommended for water, land and air sports. Year after year important sailing regattas take place on the lake and rowing and boating are practiced. In the mountains that surround this body of water, tours can be made on foot or by mountain bike. And when it comes to flying, Valle de Bravo is the Mecca of free flight in Mexico. It has two take-offs: one for beginners at Cerro de la Cruz or La Antena, and another for specialists, known as El Peñón.

Feel the pure adrenaline and live the experience of a land full of places for sports activities. An entity of color, adventure and tradition where you can find natural beauties, crafts, architecture and the friendliness of its inhabitants. This and more is what the State of Mexico offers you.

Source: Unknown Mexico Guide No. 71 State of Mexico / July 2001

Photographer specialized in adventure sports. He has worked for MD for over 10 years!


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