Art in nature (Oaxaca)


Located in the Mexican southeast, Oaxaca is one of the states with the greatest historical-cultural and natural heritage in the country. In its mountain ranges we can find from caves, like those of San Sebastián, to beautiful waterfalls, like those of Llano de Flores; Other attractions are the ancient Tule Tree and a natural wonder: Hierve el Agua, spectacular petrified waterfalls that were formed from the water that gushed from a peak.

Located in the Mexican southeast, Oaxaca is one of the states with the greatest historical-cultural and natural heritage in the country. In its mountain ranges we can find from caves, like those of San Sebastián, to beautiful waterfalls, like those of Llano de Flores; Other attractions are the ancient Tule Tree and a natural wonder: Hierve el Agua, spectacular petrified waterfalls that were formed from the water that gushed from a peak.

Oaxaca also has two of the oldest protected areas in the country: the Chacahua National Park and the Benito Juárez National Park, both decreed as such in 1937. The first, which is located 56 km from Puerto Escondido on the warm coast, has jungles. , mangroves, coastal dunes and the Chacahua and Pastoría lagoons, where you can admire hundreds of aquatic birds. The Benito Juárez Park has pine-oak forests and low jungles that recharge the aquifer. Here, the residents of the capital go on long walks while enjoying, from the viewpoints, the imposing Valley of Oaxaca and Monte Albán.

In the arid region of Puebla-Oaxaca is the new Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Biosphere Reserve, where the green and gold of the tropical forest, the thorny scrub, the grassland and the pine and oak forests, adorn the view of nearly 2,700 species of plants, many of them unique.

We must not forget Los Chimalapas, a vegetal redoubt, still unprotected, of high, medium and low jungle, and cloud forests of oak, pine and sweetgum, which protects almost 80% of the national flora and fauna species.

Along the highway that runs along the coast from the limit of Guerrero we find more natural beauties: Pinotepa Nacional, the aforementioned Laguna de Chacahua and Puerto Escondido; as well as Puerto Angelito, Carrizalillo and Zicatela; the latter, beautiful beaches surrounded by rocky cliffs and bays ideal for swimming and surfing. 15 km away is the Laguna Manialtepec, another paradise to observe hundreds of birds and La Escobilla beach, famous for its turtle camp where thousands of sea turtles spawn between June and December.

On the central coast you can enjoy beaches such as Zipolite, Playa del Amor, San Agustín and Mermejita, among others. Nearby is Huatulco, with its coves, cliffs and beaches surrounded by tropical jungle. The Isthmus offers more bays and more beaches; And if that were not enough, there are other attractions, such as Chipehua, Carrizal and San Mateo del Mar, where magical golden sand dunes surround the palm and wooden houses, bathed by the calm waters of a deep blue sea that promises excitement and rest.


Video: 4. My City, My LifeOaxaca, Its Crafts (September 2024).