

In this area there is a large basin formed by the runoff from the Malinche volcano. In turn, a large body of water is formed here that resembles a lagoon.

Its depth is not great and varies according to the time, since the bottom, made of limestone rock, frequently absorbs water. The surrounding landscape is made up of rocks and vegetation with a semi-desert climate, which gives the place a strange appearance. About 10 km south, through the town of Chichicuautla, you can see two other small lagoons: La Preciosa and Quechulac; both are known as Alapascos, that is, lagoons formed from a volcanic cone. The lava they contained thousands or millions of years ago reached an underground level of water and exploded, forming a large flooded crater. Some ajalapascos are bottomless and their waters can contain high concentrations of salts and minerals.

In this area there is a large basin formed by the runoff from the Malinche volcano. In turn, a large body of water is formed here that resembles a lagoon. Its depth is not great and varies according to the time, since the bottom, made of limestone rock, frequently absorbs water. Some ajalapascos are bottomless and their waters can contain high concentrations of salts and minerals.

It is located 109 km northeast of the city of Puebla, along the federal toll highway No. 150 D. Deviation to the left along highway No. 140 to Perote.


Video: Grabo respuestas de una SIRENA 2020 Parte 131 Laguna Negra (May 2024).