Francisco Goitia (1882-1960)


Learn about the biography of this artist, a native of Fresnillo, who studied at the Academia de San Carlos, creator of some of the most characteristic works of Mexican art such as Tata Cristo and Los Ahorcados.

A native of the city of Fresnillo, Zacatecas, Francisco Goitia was the creator of some of the most characteristic works of Mexican art, such as Tata Jesus Christ and Los Ahorcados.

In 1898 he entered the Academia de San Carlos, in Mexico City, and later, in 1904, he traveled to Barcelona, ​​where he acquired great pictorial maturity under the teachings of his teacher Francisco Gali.

In a limited, studied and meticulous work, the artist captured the dramatic side of the life of the marginalized popular sectors. His art, realistic and strongly plastic, was based on the reality of his austere personal life. Upon his return, Goitia joined Pancho Villa's revolutionary army as an official painter to General Felipe Ángeles. Years later he would recall: “I went everywhere with his army, watching. I never carried weapons because I knew that my mission was not to kill ... "


Video: Pater Noster. Gabriel Pareyon (May 2024).