First underwater museum inaugurated in Mexico


Under the waters of the Caribbean Sea, in Cancun, the Underwater Sculpture Museum was presented, with three works by the artist Jason de Caires Taylor.

A new attraction adds to the already long list of natural and cultural beauties that the Cancun and Riviera Maya area offers: the Underwater Sculpture Museum.

As its name implies, this new space, the first of its kind in Mexico, opened “its doors” with three works by the English sculptor Jason de Caires Taylor, submerged off the coast of Cancun.

The president of the museum, Roberto Díaz, told a news agency that the sculptures were duly secured so that visitors who visit the area can appreciate them through the technique of diving or "snorkeling" in all its magnitude.

The manager took the opportunity to comment that the museum will have four "rooms", located in Punta Nizuc, Manchones, the area of ​​"La Carbonera" in Isla Mujeres, and the area called "Aristos" in Punta Cancun, each of them with approximately one square kilometer of extension on the sea floor.

“The idea is to submerge a total of 400 sculptures as part of an investment of about US $ 350,000, promoted by the Ministry of the Environment of Mexico and the Cancun Nautical Association, which seeks that the country have the largest underwater museum in the world "Diaz pointed out.

The creator of the first three pieces, De Caires, who lives in Cancun, will be the museum's artistic director.


Video: Sri Lanka opens its first underwater museum (May 2024).