Biography of Fray Junípero Serra


Born in Petra, Mallorca, Spain, this Franciscan traveled the rugged geography of the Sierra Gorda de Querétaro to evangelize the natives of the region and build five beautiful missions.

Missionary of the Franciscan order, Fray Junípero Serra (1713-1784) arrived in the Sierra Gorda de Querétaro in the company of nine more friars, in the middle of the 18th century, to where the previous missions had never reached before.

Based on love and patience, and with the motto "ask for nothing and give everything", he was Christianizing those indigenous people pames Y jonaces known for their fierceness. He also instilled in them a love of work and together with teachers brought from other places, he taught them the arts of construction and carpentry.

Thus, the indigenous people built the five wonders that are the Jalpan missions, Landa, Tancoyol, Concá Y Tilaco. Not content with this, Junípero continued his pilgrimage, always on foot, to the High Californias, evangelizing and founding missions, until completing 21, in addition to 5 in Querétaro and 3 in Nayarit.

For his important evangelizing work in the wild and unexplored territories of New Spain, as well as for the various miracles attributed to him, Pope John Paul II beatified him on September 25, 1988.


Video: The controversial saint (September 2024).