Discover the 1001 images of Unknown Mexico. You will love them!


This work is the result of a magnificent selection of images from the rich graphic archive made up by our publication, for 32 years

To commemorate one more anniversary of our magazine México Desconocido, IASA Comunicación launched this spectacular edition, with 336 pages printed in full color (which respect the original tones of the photographs), which makes a “tour” of Mexico through a magnificent selection of images from the archive formed by the magazine for more than 30 years.

The work is a true invitation to travel through Mexico to admire its incredible settings (natural or man-made) that always offer the opportunity to live an incredible photographic adventure capturing, in architecture or landscapes, the different tones in which white light decomposes.

1001 images from Mexico unknown
Deluxe Edition, 336 full color printed pages, 29 × 24 cm.
For sale in prestigious stores or at Tel. 5267 0540 (Mexico City).


Video: Tigers 101. National Geographic (May 2024).