

Arnica is a medicinal plant native to Mexico with various healing properties. Get to know them!

Scientific name:

Heterotbeca inuloidesCass.



Common name:

Fake Arnica.

This plant native to Mexico became very popular several years ago because very useful medicinal properties were found in it. The main quality is that it acts as a healing, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and as an analgesic. With the leaves and branches of arnica, poultices are made or through cooking, fomentations for wounds.

In internal bumps and bruises in which there is pain, Arnica or False Arnica is used as a tea, although it can also be applied macerated or in the form of an ointment mixed with butter. It has also been recommended for sores, hives, infections and baby rubbing -through cooking or application of compresses-, rheumatism, ulcer pain, stomach, lung, chest, muscle and kidney, whose treatment is to take the infusion as use water.

The False Arnica is a plant that measures less than 1 m in height, its leaves are elongated and wide. Its flowers are grouped and arranged in a circular fashion. It is generally found in warm, semi-warm, semi-dry, and temperate climates. It is cultivated in orchards, although it grows associated with the deciduous and evergreen tropical forest, xerophilous scrub, oak and mixed pine forests.


Video: Arnica Montana: Homeopathic Medicine -Tips For Beginners (September 2024).