Mariano Matamoros


Born in Mexico City in 1770. He openly sympathizes with the insurgent movement for the injustices of the viceregal government.

Because of his ideas, he was taken prisoner, but escaped from jail and met Morelos in Izúcar, Puebla, in December 1811. He immediately showed great intelligence for the affairs of the militia and of solid personal courage. March to Taxco and take part in the site of Cuautla. On Morelos's orders, he breaks the siege to get food for the troops but is forced by the royalists to retreat to Tlayacac. He returns to Izúcar with the purpose of reorganizing the troops. Participates in the taking of Oaxaca and marches on Tonalá defeating the royalists (April 1813).

He is received with great honors in Oaxaca and promoted to Lieutenant General. He dedicated himself to disciplining the insurgent soldiers and manufacturing gunpowder, later venturing into the Mixteca causing heavy casualties among the royalists. Morelos called him to take Valladolid, a campaign in which he was defeated by Iturbide and Llano. He was shot in the main square of Valladolid in February 1814. Later he was awarded the honorable title of Benemérito de las Patria.


Video: MARIANO MATAMOROS (May 2024).