Alternative tourism in the Sierra Fría de Aguascalientes


Far from the perception of a flat and arid Aguascalientes, the state hides an assortment of landscapes and orographies for locals and foreigners.

Moving a bit away from the city we find the town of El Ocote, where vestiges of the settlements left by the Chichimeca, Tecuex and Cascane peoples are located. The magic that those peoples perceived in this area was reflected in cave paintings, as well as in the pyramidal bases that, located in the upper parts, dominate the landscape.

Currently the State Tourism Coordination, in order to promote alternative tourism areas, has focused its efforts on this area by placing signs and various services, and has allowed sport fishing in the dam of the place. Close to El Ocote and among the town of Tapiasviejas is the Huijolotes canyon, which is visited by groups of climbers who have found among its strange formations the ideal place to practice an exciting sport that allows full contact with nature. This area currently has about twenty routes of medium difficulty and an average height of 25 meters. It's a great place to spend the night and marvel at the nightly spectacle, and it's not unusual to have shooting stars streaking across the sky.

Starting from the community of Tapiasviejas is the old road to Calvillo, which can be traveled by mountain bike. This path gives access to the Malpaso canyon and the dam of the same name, where it is possible to do adventure tours. In the Sierra del Laurel, with a more humid climate, a large number of huts and small streams make it the ideal place to organize camps. Considering the distance at which it is, its difficult access and its diversity of landscapes, it is suggested to stay there for several days.

Among the major hydraulic works in the state, the Calles dam is located, which is fed by the 50 Aniversario dam, which is communicated by means of a masonry tunnel three kilometers long and three meters in diameter. This tunnel, located in the town of Boca de Túnel, is a great challenge to cover its entire length, since most of the time it is free of water. The tour lasts one hour or 15 minutes by bike.

Several activities are carried out in the Boca de Túnel area. The dam of the dam is widely used to practice the rappelling technique, while the Juan Caporal ravine has walls of more than one hundred meters to climb; the Sierra Fría is an area subject to protection. Located at altitudes ranging from 2,500 to 3,000 meters above sea level, it is made up of oak and pine forests; Among its attractions are lush landscapes and wide ravines, in which with a little luck, a lot of caution and silence, one can come across pumas, lynxes, wild boars, white-tailed deer, wild turkeys, raccoons and many other animals. In winter, it is possible to reach minus 5 ° C outdoors. There are bicycle circuits, with very steep slopes, areas for camping or to organize a picnic, as well as several hunting clubs. As you can see, Aguascalientes is more than an arid and flat area, and no matter how hard one tries to narrate the natural beauties, only a visit to them can confirm what we have tried to describe here.


Video: Sierra fria Calvillo Aguascalientes (September 2024).