Guanajuato food


Take a tour, full of flavor, through the most representative dishes of the state of Guanajuato and the Bajío region. Delicious "mining enchiladas" are waiting for you!

To get closer to the origins of Guanajuato food, it is necessary to take a trip to the past. The roots of its rich culinary tradition come from afar, from what was the extraordinary culture of the Purépecha and groups of hunters and gatherers, among which the Chichimecas stood out.

To the products consumed by its ancient settlers, those brought from Spain were added. At a certain moment, close and distant coexisted, corn and wheat; chili and garlic; wine and pulque; the fruits of the Mediterranean and the capulines and chicozapotes.

A kind of miracle pushed by time would produce the necessary amalgam to form what is today the imagery of food in this central region of our country.

The mining wealth that extended along the silver road to Zacatecas led to the emergence of towns and cities; the discovery of the rich veins of Guanajuato in 1552 by Juan de Jasso laid the foundations for what would be the future development of this territory. Its geographical position, its extensive hydrological network and the fertility of its lands favored agriculture, and with it the birth of gastronomic traditions that are preserved to this day.

The proximity of Guanajuato with San Luis Potosí, Querétaro, Michoacán and Jalisco give the menu of this state the possibility of nourishing itself with close influences that have acquired, over the years, their own stamp.

Who can resist savoring the Mining enchiladas —A Guanajuato dish par excellence—, or the fresh xonocoxtle pico de gallo, salad traditionally served to open your mouth, or desserts such as cajeta, tumbagones and the strawberries prepared in a thousand ways.

But this does not end here, let's say that it has only just begun if, driven by curiosity, you get ready to prepare some of the recipes that as a sample of the culinary art of Guanajuato are presented in this same space.

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Video: Amazing STREET FOOD TOUR in Guanajuato, Mexico (September 2024).