Tabasco and its vegetation


Beautiful villa. The great development of Tabasco is expressed in Villahermosa, where the exuberant colors of its trees make us tolerate the intense heat that is felt throughout the year.

The city has places like the Tomás Garrido Canabal Park, which houses the Musco La Venta and the Zoo; the Museums of Popular and Regional Culture, the Carlos Pellicer Anthropology Museum, and the Tabasco 2000 Complex, which has a shopping center and planetarium. Yumba, the Nature Interpretation Center, the 16th century Cathedral and the Government Palace, in neoclassical style, are also interesting and should not be missed either. In Villahermosa there are all kinds of services.

Comalcalco The Classic horizon (4th to 11th centuries) corresponds to the greatest height of this archaeological zone, notable for the construction of its buildings with brick instead of stone. Archaeologists suggest a strong link between Comalcalco and Palenque. Temple VI shows a representative mask of Kinich Ahau (Lord of the Solar Eye), of impeccable manufacture. The city of Comalcalco is 38 km from Cárdenas and 49 from Villahermosa on highways 180 and 187. Tourist services are minimal. About 20 km to the north are Paraíso and Puerto Celda, next to the Grande and Coapa lagoons.

Tenosique21 km after the cruise to Palenque, the secondary road to Tenosique emerges, a city located 210 km from Villahermosa. Tenosique is important because there you can board airplanes to Bonampak and Yaxchilán. In addition, a few km away are the Archaeological Zones of Pomoná, Balancán and Reforma. Pomoná has bas-reliefs whose work does not detract from that made by the sculptors of Yaxchilán and Palenque. In Tenosique there are hotels and extensive services.


Video: One of Tabascos most prized artifacts (September 2024).