UNESCO names the archipelago of Las Marietas a Biosphere Reserve.


With this recognition, Mexico is placed in third place in the world within the range of countries that have the largest number of Biosphere Reserves, tying with Spain, which has 38 territories of such magnitude.

During the activities of the III World Congress of Biosphere Reserves, held in the city of Madrid, Spain, UNESCO announced the elevation of two new ecological areas to the category of Biosphere Reserves: the Russian reserve of Rostovsky and the archipelago of the Marietas Islands, the latter located off the coast of the state of Nayarit, in Mexico.

At the meeting it was also announced that the La Encrucijada Biosphere Reserve, located on the southern coastal strip of Chiapas, near the border with Guetamala, has stood out as a management model in the conservation of its ecological balance, thanks to the collaboration developed by its inhabitants in conjunction with the Mexican Ministry of the Environment.

The Marietas Islands is a group of small archipelagos in which, in addition to coral formations, fish and marine mammals, a particular species of bird belonging to the booby family, known as the blue-footed booby, lives. Likewise, the new reserve is an important natural laboratory, where the humpback whale usually arrives to complete its reproduction cycle.

With this appointment, Mexico is tied with Spain as the third country with the largest number of Biosphere Reserves, only behind the United States and Russia. Therefore, it is anticipated that the tourist importance of the site will increase shortly, which will undoubtedly bring a greater amount of inputs that favor the conservation work of this beautiful place in the Mexican Pacific.


Video: Biosphere reserves in a nutshell (September 2024).