Social ecotourism in the Sierra de Huautla


The Sierra de Huautla Biosphere Reserve is located in the south of the state of Morelos and is part of the basin of the Balsas River, covered mainly by deciduous forests.

It is considered the natural area of ​​the dry tropics with the largest territorial extension in the country, with 59 thousand hectares. El Limón is located here, one of the biological stations of the reserve that has worked for more than three years in family ecotourism programs, guided visits, stays for researchers, camps and work with the communities. It is administered by the Sierra de Huautla Center for Environmental Education and Research (CEAMISH), dependent on the Autonomous University of Morelos and the National Commission for Protected Natural Areas.

CEAMISH promotes conservation, research and environmental education activities that allow their promotion, with the purpose that the inhabitants of the place value the preservation of natural areas and get involved in the dissemination and importance of conserving biodiversity. One of the numerous activities in the ecotourism programs is the observation of the copal cut in the traditional way, from which resin and incense are obtained, a process that lasts one hundred days and begins in August of each year.

In cooperation with the neighboring towns, CEAMISH has promoted the installation of 280 tlecuiles, rural two-burner stoves that use thin wood and eliminate smoke and heat inside the kitchen; which has benefited 843 families for the conservation of natural resources. In the reserve you can visit Cerro Piedra Desbarrancada, an area where you can only arrive on horseback and an area is located mainly covered by oaks, amates, palo blanco and ayoyote.

Over the past two years, eight communities have supported a group of women through workshops on the use and preparation of medicinal and edible plants from the region, which they grow and use to sell or for personal use. This space is ideal for ecotourism given its abundance of flora and fauna, in addition to having interpretive trails and various essential games in the environmental education process.

How to get

Take the highway that goes from Cuernavaca on the highway -or the free highway- to Acapulco. At the Alpuyeca hut there is a detour to Jojutla, and after crossing this town you will find the road to Tepalcingo. You pass through Chinameca, after crossing Los Sauces and Huichila.


Video: Neostradius - Apollo (September 2024).