How to get to the Lacandon Jungle in Chiapas?


Looking for the location of the Lacandon Jungle? Unknown Mexico tells you how to get to Bonampak, starting from Tuxtla Gutiérrez. Travel through Chiapas!

Location of the Lacandon Jungle

To go to the Lacandon jungle we can start from Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, travel to Comitán de Domínguez and continue to the Montebello Lagoons, where you can admire its magnificent waters of various shades, ranging from light green to intense blue.

From there you have to go to the Ixcán ejido, whose inhabitants organize a trip for you to get in touch with nature, at the Ixcán Station; In that place food, lodging and guides are offered; later we can visit the Chajul Station, a true laboratory within the Chiapas jungle.

How to get to Yaxchilán

Following the route, we arrive directly at Frontera Corozal to visit the Escudo Jaguar camp, where we will find lodging and food; From this camp the boats depart to go to the archaeological zone of Yaxchilan.

How to get to Bonampak

Then we travel to Lacanjá, where our Lacandon hosts take us through the past and present of their history, as well as to Bonampak, to the Mactunijá waterfall and the Carranza or Lacanjá lagoons.

In the same circuit we visit Nueva Palestina, where the community provides various services to visitors at the Selvas del Faisán ecotourism center, in addition to organizing trips to the interior of the jungle.

Thus, we can continue our excursion and arrive at Palenque, where all the treasure of biodiversity, culture and history that the Lacandon Jungle represents is combined.


Video: Amador Hernandez, Chiapas: Starved of Medical Services for REDD (May 2024).