Mission of San Vicente Ferrer (1780-1833) (Baja California)


Dominican mission established on August 27, 1780 by the friars Miguel Hidalgo and Joaquín Valero.

It settled on the western edge of the SAn Vicente basin, abundant in water, land, and grasslands; The water coming from the San Vicente stream allowed this mission to develop an agriculture based on the cultivation of corn, wheat, beans and barley; cattle, goats and sheep were also raised. Wild plants such as mezcal, jojoba, and various kinds of cactus were also exploited. From the moment of its foundation, San Vicente Ferrer was the military-administrative center of the border missions, with the function of preventing the attacks of the Indians coming down the stream of San Vicente, as well as to protect the mountain missions that left. erecting. Of all the Dominican missionary settlements, San Vicente Ferrer was the largest, with an area of ​​1,300 square kilometers. Its main buildings, church, bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, warehouses and the prison, as well as towers and walls, were built on a table 2 to 3 meters above the stream level. At present its ruins and a ranch located on the other side of the San Vicente canyon are observed.

90 km to the south of Ensenada and 110 to the north of San Quintín on federal highway no. 1, 1 km north of San Vicente.


Video: San Vicente Ferrer - Rose (September 2024).