Monarch butterfly sanctuaries in Mexico


Enjoy the arrival of the monarch butterfly at the Piedra Herrada Sanctuary, Cerro Pelón Sanctuary or Cerro Altamirano Sanctuary.

Valle de Bravo is in the heart of the monarch butterfly sanctuary area, a species that travels 5,000 kilometers from Canada every year to spend the winter in Mexico. 25 kilometers east of Valle, is the Piedra Herrada sanctuary, on the north side of the Los Saucos road, where you can hire a guide or rent horses for the tour.

In addition to Piedra Herrada, there are several options to visit the famous and beautiful monarch butterfly in the State of Mexico. Also, there is the Cerro Pelón sanctuary, located in the El Capulín ejido in the Donato Guerra municipality, about 30 kilometers northwest of Valle de Bravo (on the way to federal highway 15).

Another option is the Ejido La Masa, in the municipality of San José del Rincón, and also the Cerro Altamirano sanctuary, in the municipality of Temascalcingo.

To know more…

The monarch butterfly reaches the forests in the State of Mexico and also to Michoacán.


Video: Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary - Michoacán, Mexico (September 2024).