Muicle as a medicinal plant


We introduce you to the benefits of muicle, a plant with medicinal properties used to treat respiratory diseases ...

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Justice spicigera Schechtendal
FAMILY: Acanthaceae

The parts of the muicle that most are used throughout Mexico as a medicinal remedy are the branches, leaves and flowers; its use is very useful to treat blood pressure, purify the blood and syphilis.

The crushing of the muicle branches or their hot cooking mixed with cocoon, avocado, garlic, tobacco and guava, as washes, is used for the skin.

Taking in the morning the decoction of the branches, alone or mixed, with absinthe, guava and lemon balm is used for digestive problems. In respiratory conditions such as coughs, flu and bronchitis, the infusion of muicle leaves is taken as water for use.

Other common uses of muicle are for headaches and kidney pain, anemia, dizziness, insomnia and for the reduction of inflammation from blows. It grows mainly in Chiapas, Nayarit, San Luis Potosí, Valle de México and Veracruz.

The Muicle plant is up to 2 m tall, with a highly branched stem and elongated leaves. Its flowers originate capsule-shaped fruits. It lives in warm, semi-warm, dry and temperate climates. It grows cultivated in the houses and is associated with the tropical deciduous forest, subcaducifolia, subperennifolia, evergreen; xerophilous scrub, and oak and pine forests.


Video: Conoce el Muicle y sus beneficios! (May 2024).