Customs, festivals and traditions (Guerrero)


In the state of Guerrero, various ethnic groups coexist in an important way, whose linguistic and cultural expressions have given their festivals, customs and traditions a very special image.

In the state of Guerrero there are many different ethnicities whose linguistic and cultural expressions have given the region a very special image. Mixtecos, Nahuas, Amuzgos and Tlapanecos they share the land with a significant number of mestizos and other groups of African descent dotted with mestizo elements. Thus, the rare mosaic of municipalities must be added to the more than 20 languages different and divided into the seven regions that are: the Mountain, the North, the Center, Acapulco, the Costa Chica, the Costa Grande and Tierra Caliente. Such diversity only makes it clear that indigenous cultural expression in the state manifests this difference in the different forms of expression. Many of them have the same meaning, since they come more or less from the same roots and their deep religious content is undeniable. Thus we can perhaps highlight, among the most important festivities, that of the Holy Week In the city of Taxco, a painful spectacle performed with the assistance of characters that are part of brotherhoods and brotherhoods to self-flagellate and feel firsthand the pain of the teacher in his passion and death.

Source: Arturo Chairez file. Unknown Mexico Guide No. 66 guerrero / January 2001


Video: Best Festivals in the World: 10 Unusual Celebrations and National Customs (September 2024).