TOP 60 Tips To Pack Your Travel Suitcase


Top 60 packing tips from globe-trotting travelers who regularly share their experiences on travel portals and magazines.

Read our guide to the 10 best cheap travel luggage

Read our guide to the best backpacks for travel

Read about 23 things to bring when traveling alone

1. The basics in the backpack

If you travel regularly, you should establish a set of items that must be handy in your backpack.

A good reader cannot forget a book or magazine. Earplugs may be required during the trip, as well as a light scarf, medications in use and an energy cookie to mitigate hunger.

Your own experience will help you define your "must have kit" by hand.

2. Use packing cubes

The different sized packing cubes are designed to make your life easier in organizing your luggage.

If you know which bin you keep your shirts in, you won't have to rummage through your entire suitcase or backpack to find the one you are looking for.

3. Put a sarong in the suitcase

Instead of using up valuable space in your suitcase to tuck in a bulky and expensive luxury towel, try wearing a sarong instead.

This practical piece offers you the possibility to use it for drying and as clothing, packaging of fragile items, improvised picnic tablecloth or towel for sunbathing.

They are lightweight and dry quickly, even in humid climates.

4. Bring enough plastic bags

Plastic bags are the quintessential classifiers of clothes used during a trip. They are used to keep dirty or wet clothes separate from clean clothes.

It is advisable to use a bag for socks and used underwear and others for the rest of the clothing.

When traveling, compartmentalizing saves time and hassle, and plastic bags are great allies. In addition, they do not weigh anything empty and take up very little space.

5. Add a big garbage bag

Clean, of course! A large trash bag fits in any luggage compartment and takes up negligible space if folded properly; furthermore, the weight is negligible.

It will serve to protect your backpack from the rain, to store dirty clothes on a family trip and even as an emergency picnic tablecloth.

6. Store in ziploc bags

Flowing products can wet and stain things in luggage if they leak from their containers, temporarily or permanently rendering travel items, especially clothing they come into contact with, useless.

For this reason, it is convenient to put shampoo, toothpaste, lotions, oils and other cosmetics in ziploc bags.

Electronic devices also welcome this protection.

7. Fractional

On a weekend trip where you will only consume two or three multivitamin tablets, you do not need to take the entire box with you.

If they are one of those that come in plastic cases, just carry one or cut the amount you are going to consume with scissors, leaving the rest at home.

If they come in bottles, put the necessary tablets in a small ziploc bag that can be sealed.

This same division can be done with several products that you will take on your trip. The sum of small spaces saved in the end becomes a good space saved.

8. Roll up

For some reason, we have in mind that folded clothes take up less space in the suitcase and wrinkle less, but this is not the case.

When we fold a shirt, the planes of the fabric form closed angles that end in the well-known marks when we unfold the piece.

A rolled shirt returns to its original shape more easily than a folded one.

9. Apply the 90 - 3 rule

The 90 refers to the percentage in which you must load your bag; hold the urge to continue packing and leave 10% free space; remember that souvenirs need a little place.

After you have finished the suitcase, imagine that you are forced to extract three items; Take them out and travel without them.

If during the trip you miss any of the things you left behind, console yourself with the fact that you carried less weight. If you don't miss them, which is the safest thing to do, congratulations!

10. Apply the 100 - 50 rule

If you are not convinced by the 90 - 3 rule, the 100 - 50 rule may work for you. This packing strategy consists of packing the suitcase with everything you reasonably think you will need, then reducing it by 50%, excluding half of what you selected in principle.

If half seems exaggerated, try a slightly lower proportion. A maxim of travel is that travelers always have plenty of things, they never lack. All these traps are so you don't go around carrying unnecessary items.

11. Open your eyes!

Can you imagine going on a trip with your contact lenses and losing one? If they are only aesthetic, the harm is less, but if they are correctors, you would have to look for an optician to save the holidays.

People who wear corrective contact lenses should take the precaution of bringing an extra pair, especially on long trips and outside of cities.

12. Long live the jeans!

When planning your next trip, think about how long you will need jeans and other casual clothing, and how long you will need formal clothing.

Unless you're going to be an ambassador to a United Nations General Assembly, jeans will handily win the comparison.

13. Forget the heels

Unless you go to an event where you are sure you will need heels, putting them in your suitcase to cover an unlikely need always ends up in a waste of space.

In any case, girls who cannot stand going out without the mental security of having heels should think about a dress-shoe combination that maximizes the possibilities of elegance, minimizing the space required in the suitcase.

14. Don't forget your bras

The bras in your daily routines don't always match your travel needs. When selecting your luggage items, make sure you are wearing the correct bras.

Travel experts recommend wearing an everyday bra, one sexy and the other sporty.

15. Keep hiking boots away

Of course, unless you are a hiker traveling to practice your favorite entertainment in some incredible places!

The chances of hiking on a non-hiking trip are very low.

Hiking boots are bulky and heavy, and carrying them in your backpack just so they're not missing is pointless. In dire need, tennis shoes can help.

16. Stop at the dress

You can't ask a lady to go on a trip without a dress, but you do need to remember that selection is more about safety than personal taste.

You may have to leave the dress that you like best at home and put one in your suitcase that works for you in different circumstances. Savvy female travelers recommend black and brown as the "safe colors."

17. The tropics is light

Bulky clothing is for cold weather. If you plan to travel to a tropical country, think in terms of thickness and pack the thinnest clothing possible.

Maybe in your city you never wear shorts, but in the tropics you will be more in tune if you walk in shorts.

And don't think that shorts are strictly for the beach. In some Caribbean islands, such as Bermuda, they are part of the business suit.

18. War on shoes!

The biggest enemies of a suitcase are shoes, both by weight and volume. No gentleman should travel with more than two pairs of shoes, which would be tennis shoes and a multipurpose pair.

The multipurpose pair is on that border where it serves both informal and formal outings.

For the ladies the maximum is three: sporty, casual and heels, the latter will really be necessary. More than that is an excess.

19. Peace with the scarf!

Regardless of the climate of the place you go, you will always find some use in a scarf.

The space it occupies and its weight are negligible, and it can have multiple uses. It serves as a neck protector in cold environments, as a piece to enhance an elegant outfit.

It can also be used as a pillow, as a sarong on the beach, as a wrap for fragile things, and even as a picnic blanket.

20. Work with checklists

Personally, I have three travel lists in which I have written down the things I need to pack and check, depending on the destination and means of transport: trips in my car, national air travel and international travel.

Every time I go on a trip, I put on the screen or print the corresponding list and I cross out everything I have ok.

Shortly before leaving home I do a final check with my list. It has worked very well for me.

21. Add more underwear

Among so many indications of "do not pack such a thing" and "do not put this other" it is fair that one appears that goes in the opposite direction.

It may be an overstatement recommendation, because almost everyone likes to pack more underwear than necessary.

Intimate clothing takes up little space and there is nothing more uncomfortable on a trip than the lack of one of these pieces in working order.

There are girls who wear twice as many panties as they think they need; it may be excessive, but it is not bulky.

22. Rationalize toys

Children will always want to take as many of their favorite toys on the road as possible. Parents have the thankless task of telling them that this will not be possible.

But there is no need to worry. For most children, an iPad and a toy are enough for them to travel happily. If the journey is entertaining, very soon they will not even remember everything they wanted to take.

23. Pack several layers

Layers are lighter than coats, they take up much less space and in many cases they can perfectly fulfill the function of clothing.

Families traveling with multiple children can save a lot of luggage space by bringing multiple layers and not a lot of coats.

Layers can be paired with long-sleeved tops and shirts to complete the functionality of the outfit.

24. Personalize inside the suitcase

There are families who like to leave with a single suitcase for everyone on short trips. It can be practical, as long as the 3- or 4-person items are not intermixed within the suitcase.

To avoid this, have each member of the family carry their particular "suitcase" inside the single suitcase, classifying each person's belongings with packing cubes or plastic bags.

25. Have the children select

The strategy of allowing each child to independently prepare their backpack or suitcase may sound great from a pedagogical point of view, but it does not work for the best trip.

The best thing is to tell the boys the quantities of pieces that they can take and from there, give them the possibility to select the ones that are most to their liking.

26. Bring your pet a treat

If you are going to travel with your pet, it is good that you also bring some of the objects that he frequently uses at home.

A pillow or a toy with which your dog is familiar will allow him to carry the smell of home with him, so his trip and especially the stay in strange places will be more relaxed. Your pet will appreciate you leaving with a "little piece" of home.

27. Add a roll of tape

The duct tape offers multiple benefits to travelers, especially on excursions and adventure trips, such as making minor repairs and sealing some containers.

28. Pack the old to throw away

A trip on a good occasion to give one last use to those pieces of clothing that we are about to throw away or give away.

This one-way trip for some items will free up space to bring souvenirs and other things that you can acquire during the trip.

For example, you can make pajamas with a pair of sweatpants and something torn and an old shirt. Someone may appreciate the gift when you drop it off at the hotel.

29. Take advantage of the holes in your shoes

Shoes are like small boats that often go unloaded on trips. These empty spaces can be used to store socks, underwear, jewelry, jewelry, and other small items.

It is advisable to put things in plastic bags beforehand to prevent them from picking up the smell from inside the footwear. If you have already decided to wear high-top boots, can you imagine how many things fit in them?

30. Remember your natural essential oils

Do not leave your natural floral, herbal oil or whatever you prefer at home. You may not be able to take them all, but one or two will do.

They are very useful on trips, since apart from their cosmetic and flavoring applications, some oils have insecticidal and miticidal properties and you may need them as an emergency “fumigator”.

Many people use lemon oil as a hand sanitizer wherever they go.

31. Don't be left out for a button

It is not certain that in the hotel where you are staying there is someone who can help you with an emergency sewing in the event that an irreplaceable piece of clothing loses a button or a seam at the time you are getting ready.

A needle and a pair of spools of thread, one dark and one light, will save this situation.

One girl commented that she met the love of her life when she got him out of a tight spot like this in a hotel.

32. Acquire a backpack as main or complementary luggage

Backpacks are much more practical as suitcases than the rigid pieces used as carry-on luggage.

Currently large, medium and small backpacks are available, in different qualities of manufacturing materials and for all budgets.

Backpacks are second to none when it comes to accommodating them in the narrow carry-on compartments of airlines.

33. Use small suitcases

Two universal rules of the world of travel are that the passenger always packs things until the suitcase is full, whatever its size; and that generally every traveler has items left over during a trip.

With this behavior we calm the spirit by going "on insurance", but we punish the spine with unnecessary weight.

Minimalism for the selection and use of suitcases is the most recommended strategy. We no longer live in the times when you had to carry everything because nothing was achieved along the way.

34. Check the restrictions if you buy a large suitcase

If in any case you choose to buy a suitcase or a large backpack, before making the purchase you must take into account the dimensional limitations to introduce hand luggage in the cabins of the planes.

On most American airlines, the maximum carry-on size is around 22 x 14 x 9 inches, which represents a 45-liter capacity.

However, these dimensions can be problematic with airlines serving local routes.

35. Put on a money belt

These small waist bags are very practical to carry bills, coins, tickets and other small items that are needed by hand.

They have the advantage that they are loaded with an unoccupied part of the body, unless you use it for that purpose, freeing up hands and shoulders for the heaviest loads.

They are also called fanny packs and koalas and there are them from the very cheap to the brand name ones.

36. Put a light jacket in your suitcase

Regardless of whether you are going to take a trip to a tropical destination with paradisiacal beaches, with hot days and warm nights, it is always wise to bring a light jacket, if possible, foldable so that it does not take up too much luggage space.

You never know if you may need it on a night when it suddenly gets cold or in a room with the air conditioning too cold.

37. Remember a folding bag

They are those lightweight bags that can be folded and folded to put in any hidden corner of the suitcase.

They are made of strong and durable fabrics, have ropes to hang them around the neck and can act as carry-on luggage on a short trip, when a backpack is too large.

In addition, they help to save money by making small purchases in supermarkets and other stores where they charge for bags.

38. Don't forget a little spotlight

It is an essential item on a trip to the mountains, the desert and places like that. Headgear are more practical as they leave both hands free to feel around in the dark.

The mobile phone flashlight helps, but you could be cut off from running out of charge and then you would have two problems instead of one.

There are countries where electricity cuts are frequent and hotels do not have emergency plants. If you are in one of these places, you may need the spotlight to get out of a dark room.

39. Classify your documents in plastic folders

There are countries where entry, stay and exit procedures are very complicated, requiring any amount of paperwork.

In these cases, classifying documents such as tickets, permits, reservations, vaccination certificates, travel insurance and others in folders can save time and anguish.

These lightweight folders are available with a clasp closure and in different colors; they can also be used to organize maps, plans, diagrams and other travel aids.

40. Use dry bags in humid environments

The smallest dry sacks are vital for storing electronic or very delicate components, such as mobile phones, cameras, lenses and others, while practicing water sports and other activities that involve risks of these parts being damaged by humidity.

Larger dry sacks are useful for keeping clothing, blanket, sleeping bag, and other items totally dry that would be a calamity if they got wet in an environment without resources for quick drying.

41. Have some wipes in your backpack

There are people so scrupulous with their hygiene that they do not use a bus, train or plane seat without cleaning them with disposable towels that they always carry with them.

They are a minority, but it is true that we should all be very careful when we use, for example, a public toilet.

Disinfectant and antibacterial towel packages are available for less than $ 1.50.

42. Load your first aid kit

Especially when traveling with children, it is advisable to have a disinfectant product and some bandages in the kit to heal a small wound.

Likewise, anti-nausea and dizziness, anti-diarrhea, anti-flu, pain relievers, eye drops and nasal decongestant, among the most important.

On trips to the countryside or the mountains these kits are vital.

43. Save emergency information

We never go on vacation thinking that we are going to have an accident or a health emergency on the way, but it is better to take a precaution for the unlikely event.

It consists of clearly identifying and keeping a small card in the wallet with the names and a way to contact at least two people in an emergency.

The notice could be faster than looking for contact information on the mobile and also, the card does not download.

44. Take a miniature clothesline

The mini bungee cords that are similar to the ponytails used to gather hair, but longer and stronger, can be useful for several things during a trip.

They serve to hold a door, hold various things together such as pieces of luggage, and improvise a small clothesline in the hotel room or outside the cabin.

If necessary, they can also be used as a hair clip.

45. Take care of your feet

Don't run the risk of walking across surfaces like shower floors and changing rooms in clubs with your feet unprotected.

Germs can attack anywhere, and the best protection for your feet is lightweight bathing sandals, which can also be used to go to the beach and other informal places.

Buy them flat and light so they don't bulk up your luggage. Those that are too cheap generally last very little.

46. ​​Put some envelopes

Half a dozen ordinary paper envelopes are good for small things during a trip and represent nothing in terms of cargo.

For example, they help discreetly deliver a reward to the tour guide and sort papers. They can also save a small reserve of money for the return trip or for emergencies.

Put some envelopes in the suitcase on your next trip. If you return having employed them, they will have earned a place on your baggage check list.

47. Wear costume jewelry instead of jewelry

Good thieves may distinguish fine costume jewelery from authentic jewelery, but it is best not to take risks if you travel to countries and cities where robberies are frequent in the streets.

In these places, it is best not to carry anything that seems valuable and of course, avoid the most dangerous neighborhoods and areas, but if you cannot bear the urge to carry something, try not to be very expensive.

48. Be discreet with your mobile

Mobile phones, especially the latest generation ones, are objects persistently persecuted by the underworld in many countries and cities.

Of course, you will have to resist the urge to put your mobile in the back pocket of those mini shorts with which you show off a splendid butt; it would be too provocative. Charge your mobile discreetly and, if possible, put a cheap lining on it, which does not attract attention.

49. Take a forecast against hunger

Sometimes during a trip, hunger strikes at the most inopportune moment, when we do not have a place at hand to buy a snack.

This problem is solved by carrying some energy cookies in the backpack. Acquire those that do not have much chocolate and other components that can melt in the hot moments that we almost always have on trips.

There are cookies for all tastes, from the classic ones, rich in fat and calories, to those preferred by fitness enthusiasts.

50. Includes a pillowcase

This piece will allow you to cover the pillow that you are going to use under your head in the hotel room, in case it has a mite or other microscopic animal or undesirable element.

It can then serve as packaging for a valuable and fragile object during the return journey.

Preferably use a hypoallergenic zippered cover, for added security and protection against a possible allergy.

51. It has a universal adapter

It is an important forecast, especially when you do not know what type of plugs await you in the country or place of destination.

It would be a shame if your mobile was discharged and you could not recharge its battery for lack of an adapter.

The same could happen to you with the hair dryer, the mini iron, the electric razor and other travel objects that work with electricity.

In any case, when you go to a somewhat exotic place, first check the working voltage of the electrical network and the type of plugs they use.

52. Don't forget your earplugs

Its usefulness can go far beyond its function against nuisance noise. They can be used to prevent the pool water from entering your ears and if you have traveled to the desert, to prevent the sand from doing so, which can sometimes form a cloud driven by the force of the wind.

There are them from disposable and very cheap, to reusable ones that have a string to facilitate their placement and prevent them from getting lost.

53. Take precautions with tea

If you are a fan of tea and are used to a type and brand, it costs you nothing to put a few bags or a portion in a zip-lock bag.

This is a convenient precaution, especially when you go to a place for the first time, where you do not know if they will have your favorite product for a relaxing time in the middle of the afternoon.

54. Wash your clothes

Being well prepared to do laundry during a trip saves weight on luggage and is something backpackers know very well and do during their tours.

A plastic rope that can be stretched can serve as a clothesline in the hotel. The other things you will need are a universal sink plug and washing powder.

Of course, the easier the clothes you wear to wash and dry, the more comfortable the process of keeping a change or two of clean clothes will be.

55. Put your house keys in your hand luggage

Some bundles of keys can be quite heavy and induce you to put them in the luggage that is loaded on the plane. It would be a mistake, especially on the return trip.

Imagine that your suitcases are misplaced and that you arrive at your city of residence with the keys to the house traveling through those unknown worlds of God. Make sure you put those keys in your carry-on.

56. Take a travel keychain

Why do you have to take the keys to the internal doors of your apartment, those of your girlfriend's apartment and the personal locker at the club on a trip? They will have no use during the trip, they add weight and if they are lost, they add an additional unnecessary problem to the return.

There are frequent travelers who make a keychain with only one or two keys that they will need when they return to enter the house. It is your travel keychain.

57. Upload only the necessary documents

It is good that some bills, the national identity document, the driver's certificate and the debit and credit cards go in the wallet of a gentleman or in the purse of a lady who goes on a trip.

But why go on a trip to the club entry card and other documents that are only used at the place of residence? Leaving them safely at home prevents possible loss during the trip.

58. Test the weight of your suitcase

After you finish packing your suitcase, try walking a short distance and going up and down a few steps with it. Also, weigh it on the personal scale to verify that it does not exceed the limit established by the airline.

If you feel too uncomfortable, it means that you will not bear to carry it for long on a pavement where it cannot slide and that it will be difficult to go up the escalators. In that case, you will have to lighten it up by taking out a few things.

59. Take a small atomizer with your fragrance

To travel it is not necessary that you carry the entire bottle of your favorite fragrance, especially if it is something large and heavy. Get a small version for travel or put some in a small jar.

60. Includes a multipurpose soap

Some products are multifaceted and can accept several functions during a trip, which avoids having to carry several packages.

For example, Dr. Bronner’s Liquid Soap can be used to wash clothes, as bath and hand soap, as shampoo, and even as toothpaste.

We hope that these 60 recommendations will help you to pack a complete suitcase without excesses. Happy travel!


Video: Pack Up and Go With These 15 Travel Hacks and More DIY Ideas by Crafty Panda (September 2024).