Peña de Bernal, Querétaro - Magic Town: Definitive Guide


The town of Bernal is so ingrained with its famous peña that Bernal and Peña de Bernal are already being spoken of indistinctly to refer to the town. Peña Bernal is a beautiful Magic Town.

1. Where is Bernal?

Bernal is a town of just over 4,000 inhabitants located in the Queretaro municipality of Ezequiel Montes. Its highest emblem is the Peña de Bernal, the largest monolith in Central and North America and third in the world, only surpassed by the Sugarloaf Mountain in Rio de Janeiro and the Rock of Gibraltar. By virtue of this unique attraction, the colonial beauty of the town and the surrounding natural attractions, Bernal was incorporated in 2006 into the Mexican Magic Towns system.

If you want to know the 30 things to do in Querétaro click here.

2. How do I get to Bernal?

Bernal is located 61 km from the city of Santiago de Querétaro, capital of the state of Querétaro de Arteaga, and 218 km from Mexico City. To go to Bernal from the capital of the country you have to take Highway 57 towards Querétaro and then make the route to Tequisquiapan on Highway 120. Upon reaching Ezequiel Montes, head of the municipality of the same name, you access Highway 4 that goes to Bernal. Travel time from Mexico City is approximately 2 and a half hours.

3. How is the weather in Bernal?

Bernal's climate is pleasantly cool, with an average temperature of 17 ° C. In the mornings and afternoons it is cold, and it is advisable to carry a jacket or another piece of clothing. In winter of course it is even colder. The environment is semi dry and with little rainfall, which barely exceeds 500 mm a year.

4. How did the town originate?

During the 16th and 17th centuries, the Pames, Chichimecas and Jonaces who lived in Queretaro soil did not stop pestering the Spanish colonizers. Bernal was founded by Lieutenant Alonso Cabrera in 1647 to protect the southern flank of Gran Chichimeca, a wide area that included the territories of the current states of Querétaro and Guanajuato and part of Zacatecas and San Luis Potosí.

5. What are the characteristics of the monolith?

The rock was formed about 10 million years ago, when solidified lava inside an extinct volcano was exposed after erosion removed the surface layers over the millennia. Its summit is 2,515 meters above sea level, its height is 288 meters and it has an estimated weight of 4 million tons. It is one of the Mexican sanctuaries of the sport of climbing and on March 21 it is the scene of a spring start party with mystical and religious connotations.

6. How is the monolith for climbing?

After reaching the town, take a path that leads approximately to the middle of the rock. From there you have to continue with climbing equipment. The classic climbing route that is La Bernalina. Experienced climbers claim that climbing the Peña de Bernal is more difficult than it sounds and recommend attempting the ascent only if a connoisseur can go. Other climbing routes are The Dark Side of the Moon, Starfall and Gondwana, which is the extreme route, equipped by the Mexican climber Edson Ríos and only for experts.

7. Apart from the club, what other attractions does Bernal have?

The historic center of Bernal is a welcoming space of cobbled streets, colonial houses and religious buildings of great architectural and artistic interest. Among these constructions, the Castle, the Temple of San Sebastián, the Chapel of the Souls and the Chapel of the Holy Cross stand out. Bernal's climate is excellent for outdoor activities, and near the town there are farms, vineyards, a botanical garden, the Cheese and Wine Route, and picturesque Queretaro towns.

8. What can you tell me about historic buildings?

The church of San Sebastián Mártir, patron of the town, is a construction built during the first quarter of the 18th century in which different artistic styles are mixed, including indigenous features. Its beautiful stained glass windows are a recent addition. The building called El Castillo, seat of the municipal government, dates from the 17th century and has a beautiful German clock on the front tower that marked its first hour to welcome you into the 20th century. The Chapel of the Souls is another construction from the 18th century and the Chapel of the Holy Cross is visited by pilgrims who come to the atrium on their knees in gratitude for favors.

9. What is the festival of the vernal equinox like?

It has already been a tradition that between March 19 and 21 in Bernal spring is received with a mystical and religious festival that brings together residents and thousands of tourists who will recharge the body with the positive energy that they say emanates from the pain. In the colorful festival, a cultural program is developed, which includes pre-Columbian rites and dances. Other popular festivals are that of January 20 in honor of San Sebastián and that of the May Cross, when the pilgrims climb up to the monolith carrying a cross and a mask contest is held. The most outstanding masks are exhibited in the Museum of the Mask.

10. What is the interest of the Museum of the Mask?

This collection is made up of more than 300 masks that have the particularity that they are related to mythical characters around the Peña de Bernal and the community, and many are made by artisans and residents with artistic talent, for the celebration of the festivities of the May Cross. The most valuable pieces are made of patol wood. The museum also includes masks from other cultural traditions of the country and pieces from other parts of the world.

11. What can you tell me about Bernal's tablecloths and blankets?

Bernal has an old and beautiful artisan tradition in the making of tablecloths, blankets, yarns, shawls, jackets, blankets, rugs, cushions and other textile pieces made on looms that are more than 100 years old. These pieces are exhibited in many local stores and it is rare for the visitor who does not buy one to take away. Another typical artisan product from Bernal are milk candies and crystallized fruits.

12. How is the gastronomy of Bernal?

They say in the town that the longevity of the inhabitants of Bernal is due to the good vibes that the monolith communicates and the local chunks of broken corn. This Queretaro delicacy is not prepared with common corn but with the crushed variety, which makes it possible to make particularly light and crunchy gorditas. Other delicacies of the culinary art of Querétaro that you can enjoy in Bernal are the nopales santos and the serrano enchiladas with cecina.

13. What is Bernal's candy store like?

In Bernal you can take a delicious cultural and gustatory tour of the sweet made from goat's milk since pre-Columbian times, through the impact on the sweet art of the arrival of Spanish customs and the new trends introduced by the accelerated development of gastronomy since the 20th century. At the Museo del Dulce de Bernal they tell the story of the sweet from Queretaro, which has custard as its star product.

14. What attractions are there in nearby towns?

37 Km. South of Bernal is the small town and Magical Town of Tequisquiapan, a charming colonial town in whose historic center its main square and the temple of Santa María de la Asunción stand out. Tequisquiapan is surrounded by vineyards and is part of the Querétaro Cheese and Wine Route. The National Cheese and Wine Fair is held annually in the Magic Town, which brings together national and international tasters of these products and tourists who are starting or wanting to delve into the pleasures of sybaritism.

15. What can you tell me about the Cheese and Wine Route?

The semi-desert territory of Querétaro offers good weather conditions to produce table wines. The grape harvest festival takes place between the end of August and the beginning of September and the vineyards and wineries of the region are filled with tasters and visitors. Queretaro artisanal cow, sheep and goat milk cheeses, both fresh, matured and cured, are famous for their flavor and excellent pairing with wine. Bernal, Tequisquiapan and other picturesque Queretaro towns are part of the Cheese and Wine Route and its vineyards, cheese shops and restaurants are the frequent setting for tastings, tastings and gastronomic festivals.

16. What can I see in the nearby botanical garden?

Less than 20 km from Bernal is the picturesque town of Cadereyta de Montes, one of whose most outstanding attractions is its botanical garden. This educational and recreational conservationist institution specializes in the flora of the semi-desert of Queretaro and in its 5 hectares it gathers the most representative of the state plant species, some at risk of disappearance. The walk between yucca palms, izotes and other species is very pleasant and can be guided for a better understanding.

17. Where can I stay in Bernal?

On Calle Los Arcos 3 in Bernal is the Hotel El Cantar del Viento, with a splendid view of the monolith. Its clients highlight the kindness of the staff and the excellent breakfast they offer, very important if you plan to undertake the challenge of climbing the rock. The Hotel Villa Bernal is a small and cozy accommodation with an excellent price / quality ratio located on Avenida Revolución 50. The Casa Tsaya Hotel Boutique, in Ignacio Zaragoza 9, the rooms are decorated in a colonial style and its staff is very attentive and helpful.

18. Could you refer other lodging options?

Casa Mateo Hotel Boutique is on the corner of Colón in the center of Bernal, in front of the main square, in an 18th century building and its clients highlight its nice and clean rooms. Hotel Posada San Jorge, on the outskirts of town, is near the rock and Casa Caro, in Aldama 6, is very well decorated and has a privileged view of the monolith. Other options are Hotel Mariazel, Casa Cabrera and Casa Tsaya Colonial.

19. What are the best restaurants in Bernal?

Arrayan, the restaurant of Casa Tsaya Hotel, is mentioned for the delight of its dishes, such as the cochinita lasagna and the filet with chipotle sauce. The Tierracielo restaurant has a spectacular view and is praised for its cuts of meat. The Piave restaurant offers pastas, pizzas and is also known for its carpachos and for its lamb with fine herbs.

20. Can I have a night of clubs and bars in Bernal?

Of course yes. Bernal's nights are ideal to put on a jacket, go to a cozy bar and order a drink that warms up the body and allows it to recover from the exhausting but pleasant daytime. Terracielo, Mesón de la Roca, La Pata del Perro and El Solar are some of the most frequented establishments.

Ready to climb the Peña de Bernal and admire the incomparable landscape from the top? We wish you success in your climb! If you don't get to the end, it doesn't matter; you can always try again!


Video: First Time in QUERÉTARO, MEXICO! (September 2024).