The 12 Things to See and Do on Playa Del Carmen's Fifth Avenue


It could be said that Fifth Avenue is the circulatory system of Playa del Carmen. Meet with us all that it can offer you.

1. The Pleasure of Walking

The Quinta is worth going to, as the locals call it, just for the old pleasure of walking. Walk, stop for a few minutes, look at a store, detail a craft, a jewel, a piece of clothing, and start walking again, making a mental note of that place that you may have to enter later to make a purchase. Breathe in the fresh afternoon air with the scent of the Caribbean, while you feel new blood circulating through your body, toned by the walk and the delight of being in Playa del Carmen.

2. Paseo del Carmen

Very close to Fifth Avenue, at one end, is a square called Paseo del Carmen, which communicates with Fifth through a picturesque alley. It is a good place, fresh and welcoming, to have a drink or a coffee before embarking on the tour of the great avenue. If you are in a hurry to start shopping, in Paseo del Carmen you already have brand stores and other establishments.

3. Founders Park

This park located in one of the corners of Fifth Avenue is a tribute to the founders of the town, who according to legend had to emigrate to another place because their palapas (rustic cabins) were knocked down by the hurricane force winds. Currently, the square is the scene of civic events and musical and folkloric shows. It is the place where the most emblematic Christmas tree in Playa del Carmen is placed.

4. Mariachis

One of the most pleasant surprises you can find on Fifth Avenue in Playa del Carmen is with a group of mariachis, the bands that perform Mexican national music. They can be perceived from a considerable distance, by the intense sound of their trumpets and other instruments. If you come across a mariachi, after admiring their traditional dress, ask them to perform one of the famous pieces of Mexican folklore, such as Mexico Beautiful and beloved. The friendly musicians are sure to please you.

5. Eagle Warriors

In pre-Hispanic Mexican culture, the Eagle Warriors were a special caste of Mexican militiamen. They made up, along with the Jaguar Warriors, the elite troops of the Aztec Empire. These traditions have been kept in a folkloric aspect and it is common to see groups of Mexicans dressed in the striking garb of ancient warriors. Do not be surprised if on your walk along Fifth Avenue in Playa del Carmen you come across one of these typical and beautiful cultural expressions.

6. The Country of Cocoa

Cocoa is linked to Mexico's past more than that of any other country in the world. The Mexican pre-Hispanic Indians used their seeds as currency. It was also had and is held as an aphrodisiac. The Aztec emperor Moctezuma drank up to 40 cups of cocoa a day to satisfy his harem. In Playa del Carmen and on Fifth Avenue you can enjoy aromatic cocoa and exquisite Mexican chocolates. One of the best-known establishments in the Quinta is Ah Cacao, a chain of stores that claims to have the oldest secrets surrounding this delicacy.

7. The Country of Tequila

References to the Mexican national drink are present in all the cities and towns of the country. More than a drink, tequila is a cultural fact and has museums that tell its story. On Fifth Avenue in Playa del Carmen is Hacienda Tequila, a shopping center with a traditional facade reminiscent of the old "big houses" of Mexican haciendas. There you can buy many things and participate in a tequila tasting. After you visit the Tequila Museum of the place, you will leave converted into an expert of the thousand-year-old liquor.

8. Artistic Hands

Native American crafts are very rich and striking, and Mexico has pre-Columbian peoples and cultures that have passed down their art from generation to generation. On Fifth Avenue it is possible to find beautiful handicrafts in vegetable fibers, stones, ceramics, wood, bone, leather, threads, silver and any material that human hands can turn into an artistic piece. Among the most visited establishments in the Quinta are Sol Jaguar, Ambarte and Guelaguetza Gallery.

9. Country of Hammockers

One of the products in which Mexicans show greater skills in their elaboration is the hammock, the canvas or woven fabric that is tied with ropes between two trees or other two fixed points and is used to rest and sleep. Natural and artificial fabrics and fibers are used for its manufacture, and those woven by Mexican hammockers are distinguished by their strength and color, which gives the stores a particular multicolored appeal. In the Quinta is Hamacamarte, a store that is the paradise of hammocks and other rest objects, such as cots and rocking chairs.

10. From Mexico to Playa del Carmen

Being a massive reception center for international tourism, Playa del Carmen offers products from all over Mexico and Fifth Avenue is a small sample of the entire country. The city of San Cristóbal de las Casas, in the state of Chiapas, has a long tradition of making embroidery and hand weaving. On Fifth Avenue, the Textiles Mayas Rosalía store is a kind of Chiapas branch in Playa del Carmen. Despite the exquisite level of elaboration, the prices are moderate.

11. Let's eat!

One of the things that surprises visitors to Playa del Carmen is the large number of establishments that serve Italian and Argentine food. This is due to the large colonies of these nationalities residing in the city. On Fifth Avenue, apart from Mexican, Italian and Argentine restaurants, there are Spanish and other European, Latin American and Asian cuisines. You can also find the best known international chains.

12. Night Soul

Your walk cannot end without spending a while on Avenida 12, which at its intersection with Fifth Avenue forms the nightlife of Playa del Carmen, the great setting for fun in the city. There are bars and entertainment venues with all noise levels on the sound scale and for all tastes, from drinks to music. After a long night at 12 you may need a good rest. Perhaps that is the ideal day for you to stay enjoying the hotel pool.

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Video: Playa Del Carmen Beach and 5th Avenue Fun 2020 (September 2024).