Alfonso Ortiz Tirado, ambassador of the musical lyric of Mexico


Born in Álamos, Dr. Alfonso Ortiz Tirado made his debut at age 28 as a tenor in the opera Manon de Massenet.

Thanks to the success obtained on that occasion, he was included in the cast of Elíxir de Amor; Madame Butterfly, Pagliacci, and other operas that made her famous in the art world.

A fact that describes his human quality is that with the money he earned in his first presentations, he built a clinic for the underprivileged.

Ortiz Tirado was the first national singer to spread the compositions of Mexican authors abroad. When XEW radio station was inaugurated on September 18, 1930, the now famous tenor was part of the first program to air.

His recognized talent and excellent voice made him the darling of radio listeners, as the top performer of the romantic song.

Source: Tips from Aeroméxico No. 6 Sonora / winter 1997-1998


Video: Nunca Jamás - Festival Alfonso Ortiz Tirado FAOT - Álamos, Sonora, México. 25 Enero 2020 (September 2024).