Puebla for adventurers


The vast territory of Puebla is occupied by mountains, mountain ranges, valleys, ravines, deserts, forests, rivers, waterfalls, lagoons and caves, and this multiple landscape offers the adventurer endless options to discover its natural beauties, its archaeological sites and its villages. indigenous people full of color and tradition.

Puebla is crossed by two great mountain ranges: the Sierra Madre Oriental and the Anáhuac Mountain range, also known as the Neovolcanic Transversal Axis. This mountain range is the home of the ancestral Aztec deities, whose seat is the sacred volcanoes of Mexico, such as Malinche, Popocatépetl, Iztaccíhuatl and Citlaltépetl, all located in Puebla territory, although sharing the latter with the neighboring state of Veracruz.

An already classic expedition within the mountaineering world is the Volcanic Trilogy of Mexico, which has become a challenge for mountaineers. This expedition consists of crowning the three sacred peaks: the Pico de Orizaba or Citlaltépetl, whose name means "Cerro de la Estrella" (5 769 m, the third highest peak in North America), the "White Woman" or Iztaccíhuatl ( 5,230 m) and Popocatépetl, or “Montaña que Humea” (5,452 m); Currently it is not possible to ascend to it due to its intense volcanic activity, but it is impressive to climb Iztaccíhuatl at sunrise and contemplate the thick fumaroles of your companion painted gold by the first rays of the sun.

These three colossi of rock and ice are the perfect terrain for mountaineering and trekking; Climbers and walkers will be able to discover its eternal snows through different routes with different degrees of difficulty –in which rock and ice climbing are combined–, or just take healthy walks through the Zacatales, enjoying the spectacular scenery.

In a dizzying descent that we did on a mountain bike, we crossed the thick coniferous forests that cover the slopes of the volcanoes and arrived at “Cholollan” or “the place of those who flee”, better known as Cholula; there we spread our multicolored wings and took flight on a paraglider to discover this magical town, where the colonial and the pre-Hispanic mix. Although the churches of Cholula attract a lot of attention, the attraction of its pyramid is clearly greater, and it is not for less, since it is one of the greatest monuments of humanity.

On a trip to prehistory, the explorer will be able to get to know the most desert region of the state, traveling the Zapotitlán mountain range on two wheels. This vast area includes a portion of Oaxaca, the east and northeast of Guerrero and the south of Puebla, and is known as the “archaic massif”, which is made up of the oldest rocks in the country.

Paleontology enthusiasts will be interested in going to San Juan Raya, a small town located 14 km west of Zapotitlán, along dirt roads that can be traveled by mountain bike. Its importance as a fossil deposit was determined since 1830, thanks to the explorations of the Belgian Enrique Galleotti. In the surroundings of the town, in its mountains and streams, it is possible to find remains of snails, sponges, madrepores and oysters, among almost 180 species of fossils found that show that San Juan was part of a coast a long time ago.

Leaving the hot desert behind are the foothills of the Sierra Madre Oriental, where the fascinating Totonac kingdom of the Sierra Norte de Puebla is located; it enters the Puebla territory from the northwest and decomposes in the mountains of Zacapoaxtla, Huauchinango, Teziutlán, Tetela de Ocampo, Chignahuapan and Zacatlán.

The life of these mountains passes wrapped in the mysticism of the mist and the rains, and it is the perfect place to live great adventures. The mountains can be traveled by mountain bike and enter the thick forests inhabited by giant tree ferns, innumerable streams, pools of crystalline waters -such as those of Cuíchatl and Atepatáhuatl-, waterfalls such as Las Brisas, Las Hamacas and La Encantada, picturesque towns like Zacapoaxtla, Cuetzalan and Zacatlán, and Totonac archaeological sites like Yohualinchan.

The natural beauties of the Sierra Norte de Puebla are not limited only to the earth's surface, but below it you can admire the fantastic underground kingdom by visiting the caves of Chivostoc and Atepolihui. Both caves are accessible to most people; However, in Cuetzalan there are about 32,000 m of caves, caves and abysses registered, most of them reserved for experienced cavers.

As you can see, Puebla has a lot to offer to those with an adventurous spirit. Puebla has magnificent natural beauties, archaeological sites and remote villages, and at the same time offers all the options for practicing your favorite adventure sport.

Photographer specialized in adventure sports. He has worked for MD for over 10 years!
