The gastronomy of Hidalgo, a mixture of traditions


In the gastronomy of Hidalgo, dishes made with flowers of different cacti are very common, such as izote, maguey, aloe, mesquite, garambullo and nopal, with which pancakes or tasty stews are prepared.

There is also no shortage of nopales, cooked in all its forms: as soups, stuffed with cheese and weathered, in salads or in original cakes and puddings. We cannot forget the tunas, with which rich waters or desserts are made, such as xoconostles in syrup or jam, which are also used to give a good flavor to chicken broth with vegetables or certain moles.

In Hidalgo, the use of earth ovens is frequent, where both the famous mutton barbecue and the enchilada squirrels or rabbits and opossums are cooked, tucked between the hard maguey leaves that open throughout.

Other delicacies are its moles, such as pascal or rabbit mole with pine nuts and walnuts (found in the Jacala region), or the fine mixiotes, skin or epidermis of the maguey stalk with which different stews are wrapped that later they are steamed, or bocoles, corn gorditas cooked on the comal and fried, sometimes stuffed with beans, which are used to accompany other dishes.

There is also an infinity of foods made with pulque (although this is increasingly scarce), such as soft pulque bread, and in season the maguey worms are in great demand, which are eaten fried, with guacamole and wrapped in a fresh tortilla. made, the same as the chinicuiles, red worms found in the roots of the maguey, with a slightly more pronounced flavor, but also exquisite.

As for the sweets, the milk ones are famous, or the muéganos from Huasca or the pepitorias and palanquetas from San Agustín Metzquititlán, a region that produces nuts.

We sincerely advise you to visit Hidalgo and try these delicacies.


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