Hacienda de Cortés, a place full of history (Morelos)


This hacienda was part of the lands that the Crown ceded to Cortés by conferring the title of Marquis of the Valley of Oaxaca.

Here Cortés installed the second mill that was founded in New Spain, which became, along with Orizaba, the most powerful in the viceroyalty.

Founded in 1542, this mill began the development of the sugar industry in New Spain, which would become so important for the finances of the Spanish Crown. From its origins the hacienda had solid and spacious facilities and a large aqueduct, which allowed it to achieve an increasingly abundant sugar production.

As in other haciendas of the time, around this a community with characteristics very different from those of the old Indian towns was formed. As these could not resist the hard work that the mills required, slaves of African origin began to be introduced from the Antilles, who soon mixed, mainly with the indigenous people, giving rise to a new caste in New Spain. It is known that at that time, Cortés owned approximately 60 blacks, between men and women, in addition to about 120 Indian slaves for less hard jobs.

This hacienda remained in the hands of the heirs of Cortés until the beginning of the 20th century, and today its facilities have been equipped as a hotel and space for all kinds of events.

Source: Aeroméxico Tips No. 23 Morelos / spring 2002


Video: Cuernavaca, what to do in just one day (September 2024).