The Castle of Chapultepec. Old Military College (Federal District)


Located in the heart of the Chapultepec forest, this Castle once served as the residence of the President of Mexico. Here is something about its history.

The initial project for the construction of the Castle chapultepec It was carried out during the administration of the viceroys Matías and Bernardo Gálvez, between 1784 and 1786.

It was originally intended as a military fortress, but the project was suspended by the crown from Madrid. Later it was restarted towards the end of the 18th century with the plans of the engineer Miguel Constanzó, following neoclassical lines, and was used as a military college in 1841.

With the arrival of Maximilian of Habsburg the construction of the Imperial Palace is undertaken. The second body of the façade was added to the first building and adaptations were projected to turn it into a palatial residence with plans commissioned from France, including the fortress. With the restoration of the Republic, the castle was used as a presidential residence, and with that character it was inhabited by Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada, then Porfirio Díaz and finally post-revolutionary presidents such as Plutarco Elías Calles. With the arrival of Lázaro Cárdenas, the presidential headquarters left the castle to settle in the nearby Molino del Rey, in the area called Los Pinos.

From 1944 the Nacional History Museum.


Video: Gringos Tour Chapultepec Castle (September 2024).