National Library will launch digital version


Incunabula, epistle collections, and key documents of the History of Mexico, may be consulted through a new digitization system designed by the Bibliographic Research Institute of the UNAM.

In order to favor the conservation of the collection of the Reserved Fund of the National Library of Mexico, as well as to promote the historical and cultural research activities of our country, the National Autonomous University of Mexico, through its Bibliographic Research Institute, will shortly publish a digital catalog with more than one million documents from its Reserved Fund.

In this regard, the general coordinator of the National Library of Mexico, Rosa María Gasca Nuñez, commented that this project, which began in 2004 with the digitization of the documents of the Benito Juárez Fund, will become the most complete digital library in Latin America. to which is added its appointment in 2002 as "Regional Memory of the World" by UNESCO.

Among the most important documents that users of this catalog will be able to consult are the first 26 books published in America in the 16th century or incunabula, the Lafragua Collection and the Carlos Pellicer and Lya, and Luis Cardoza y Aragón collections, among other documents that They date from the 16th to 20th centuries.


Video: National Library of Maldives YouTube Channel Launching Event (September 2024).