Estero de las Palmas de San José del Cabo


This mission began in 1730, its first missionary being the venerable Father Nicolás Tamaral, who was killed shortly after by the Indians, together with Santiago's father.

This mission, which is about twelve leagues from Cabo de San Lucas or San Bernabé bay from January, was founded about half a league from the beach of the Califórnico Gulf sea or sea called the North, on whose beach the China ship and He drinks his soft drink, which is administered by said town and the one in Santiago de los Coras, which is the immediate one, is at the height of Polo of 22.5 degrees. It began in the year 1730, its first missionary being the venerable Father Nicolás Tamaral, who was killed shortly after by the Indians, along with Santiago's father.

The Marquis of Villapuente endowed said mission in 10,000 pesos, so that the annual income of 500 would be used for the maintenance of the missionary father. It was in charge of the reverend parents of the Society of Jesus from its foundation until the expulsion, which was at the beginning of December 1767, although in recent years the missionary father did not reside in him, but took care of the few Indians who had the father of Santiago de los Coras [1]

At the end of April 1768, he entered the charge of this apostolic college, whose first missionary was the preacher Fr. Juan Morán, who after having worked in it for fourteen months, died in said mission and in the ministry, serving those who They were plagued, coming from a confession, he felt badly hurt and then he died.

During the visit that the most illustrious General Visitor Don José de Gálvez made in this mission, seeing the small number of Indians of which they were made up, he sent a ranchería from the Mission of San Xavier to settle in it so that the good lands that were have. Thus it was executed, passing to it twelve families with forty-four souls, all of whom died (except three) in the disease of the year 1769, leaving today only fifty people, between young and old.

Before leaving the Peninsula, said visiting lord erected the mission of Santiago de los Coras as a curate, indicating this mission of San José as a visiting town, for which reason he left the school car and went to the ordinary of Guadalajara, whose first priest It was Don Juan Antonio Baeza, who for the month of November 1770 abandoned his curate and left the Peninsula, administered by the priest of the mission of the real of Santa Ana until April 1771, who, commissioned by the His Excellency the Viceroy Marquis de Croix appointed one of the missionary fathers to administer it as regards the spiritual, which is Father Fr. Juan Antonio Riobó, running with the care of the temporal a secular post by the government of the Peninsula, for which reason he ignore the state it has, I can not give reason to your reverence.

[1] The manuscript of the News leaves that of the father truncated nor that of the mission from where he attended. At the time of the expulsion, Father Ignacio Tirsch was residing in Santiago de los Coras, who was coming to San José del Cabo, as evidenced by the unexpected landing of Governor Gaspar de Portolá upon his arrival in the Peninsula.


Video: San Jose del Cabo, Baja, Mexico video tour (September 2024).