Traveler tips Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve (Chiapas)


The Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve is part of the ecosystem known as Selva Lacandona. Get to know this and more protected areas of Chiapas!

Near the Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve another two are located protected areas of Chiapas recently created. The first is the Chan-Kin Flora and Fauna Protection Area (1992), located 198 km from Palenque, along Highway 307. In this protection area important Chiapas species own of the Lacandon jungle, such as the ramón, the mahogany or the palo de chombo, as well as animals such as the jaguar, the ocelot and the howler monkey.

The second of the protected areas of Chiapas, for its part, is the Lacantún Biosphere Reserve (1992), considered on many occasions as an ecological complement to the Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve, by virtue of its proximity. As in the Montes Azules reserve, in the Lacantún Biosphere Reserve, species of properly jungle chiapas subsist, just counting the sets of plants it houses, they add approximately a total of 3,400 different species, in addition to the animal groups and the indigenous communities that inhabit this Chiapas jungle.

To get to Lacantún, it is recommended to take federal highway No. 190 from Comitán de Domínguez, heading to La Trinidad, then taking the detour along highway No. 307 towards Flor de Cacao.

Source: Profile of Antonio Aldama. Exclusive from Mexico Unknown On Line


Video: Reserva de la Biosfera de Sian Kaan. (September 2024).