The Great Mayan Reef, the second largest in the world (Quintana Roo)


This wonderful coral reef, also called Mesoamerican, which rises in Cabo Catoche, north of Quintana Roo, and borders the coasts of Belize, Guatemala and Honduras, is the second largest in the world after Australia.

The Mexican part measures three hundred kilometers, and more than a thousand in its entirety. In many of its sections it reaches great depths, which is not common, but here, thanks to the fact that the water is very transparent, it does reach the sunlight, which is essential for coral growth. The Great Mayan Reef is not only a scene of calcium carbonate and a fun multifamily of marine life where flora and fauna coexist in a burst of colors and shapes that sway to the swaying currents, but it also serves as a barrier to the waves caused by the passage of storms and hurricanes, which favors the development of plants, dunes and mangroves on the mainland.


Video: Quintana Roo: Eden of the World (September 2024).