The main attractions of the Sinforosa region


The main attraction of the Guachochi-Sinforosa region, which is part of the Sierra Tarahumara, are its beautiful scenery and natural treasures, as well as a circuit of 17 Jesuit missions dating from the 17th and 18th centuries; ancient caves, cave paintings, magical sites and two museums on the Tarahumara culture.

The entrance to the area is through Guachochi, a community of 20,000 inhabitants that has all kinds of services.


To get there there are two routes: one is to go from Creel to the south, traveling 140 km. Of road; the other leaves Parral towards the east traveled a road of 120 km., either option means a trip of approximately three hours.

The transfer from Chihuahua, passing through Creel or Parral is offered by the Adventure Ecotourism company “La Sinforosa”, if you prefer there are also plane services from the state capital.


Some of the most spectacular in the entire sierra is located in this region. Among the most admirable are those of the Barranca de Sinforosa, viewpoints that cover a drop of more than 1,800 meters through impressive gorges that fall vertically into the Verde River.

The summits of Sinforosa, Guérachi and El Picacho show some of the most imposing beautiful landscapes of our continent and that are worth visiting.

From the Cerro Grande viewpoint you can enjoy the beautiful panorama offered by the valleys and mountains that surround the town of Guachochi, as well as the Stone of Virility, named for its phallic appearance, and the Arroyo de Guachochi.


Inhabited since time immemorial by the Tarahumara, there are five of these cavities next to the Agua Caliente spring in Aboreachi: El Diablo and El Millón, which can be traveled underground, are in the surroundings of Tónachi. Near Guachochi, next to the rock of La Virili, is La Hierbabuena and along the path of the Guagueybo mission are the Cuevas de los Gigantes, so called because according to tradition, in one of them the skeleton of a being was found. notorious BIG.

Finally, on the way to Samachique-Guaguachique, near the La Renga ranch, there is a small hole that gives shelter to cave paintings characteristic of the Sierra Tarahumara.


In the Tarahumara community of Tónachi we have El Saltito, a 10 meter high waterfall and El Salto Grande with a drop of approximately 20 meters. In both pools are formed, ideal for swimming and enjoying the waters of the Tónachi River; to the natural attraction of these sites is added the possibility of catching catfish and trout.

In Guachochi there is a 10 meter waterfall. Nearby, at the Ochocachi ranch, on its stream surrounded by forest, there are three other waterfalls of 5, 10 and 30 meters high. But the largest water parks in the area are located within the Barranca de Sinforosa, descending a couple of hours on foot from the viewpoint, there are the so-called Rosalinda, which end with a free jump of 80 meters.


The largest spring is the Agua Caliente de Aboreachi spring, northwest of Guachochi, a source that emerges as a large jet of water with a temperature above 50 degrees Celsius. The waters of the spring mix with the stream, next to which it flows, to form a series of perfect pools.

The La Esmeralda hot springs, on the Nonoava River, have pools in which fish of many different sizes and colors swim and frolic in the transparent turquoise-emerald waters.

Those of Cabórachi and Guérachi are found deep in one of the lateral ravines of La Sinforosa and El Reventón, on the Balleza river, near the town of the same name. This is one of the few places that is semi-conditioned to receive visitors.


In the vicinity of Guachochi there is a huge rock known as the Stone of Virility due to its phallic appearance, this large rock predominates in the landscape that can be seen from one of the most beautiful viewpoints of the Arroyo de Guachochi. Puente de Piedra is the name of a striking formation that is located in Tónachi; It is a stone arch about 10 meters long by the same height and that constitutes one of the attractions of this community.


The great rivers of the region are the Urique, the Verde, the Batopilas, the Nonoava and the Balleza. Navigating these currents requires expeditions of several days; Near Guachochi are the Arroyo de la Esmeralda, a tributary of the Nonoava River, where there are abundant pools of crystalline waters that go from turquoise to emerald, and the Piedra Agujerada, a tributary of the Arroyo de Baqueachi that in turn in the Verde river that runs at the bottom of the Sinforosa Canyon. This flow of water contains a series of pools, small rapids and waterfalls surrounded by dense vegetation. Here the place known as La Piedra Agujerada stands out, where the water passes through a stone forming a small waterfall, about 5 meters, inside a cavity.


The region is rich in history and from the colonial period it preserves the buildings that housed the Jesuit missions. Organized cultural tourism activities include tours of the main mission centers and churches. Those that we will find within Guachochi-Sinforosa are: San Gerónimo de Huejotitán (Huejotitán 1633); San Pablo de los Tepehuanes (Balleza- 1614), San Mateo (San Mateo1641); Our Lady of Guadalupe de Baquiriachi (Baquiriachi-early 18th century); Our Lady of the Conception of Tecorichi (Tecorichi-early 18th century); Our Lady of Guadalupe de Cabórachi (Cabórachi-late 18th century); San Juan Bautista de Tónachi (Tónachi-1752); Gunchochi's Heart of Jesus (Guachochi-mid-18th century); Santa Anita (Santa Anita-late 18th century); Our Lady of Loreto de Yoquivo (Yoquivo 1745); San Ignacio de Papajichi (Papajichi- 18th century); Our Lady of the Pillar of Norogachi (Norogachi 1690); San Javier de los Indios de Tetaguichi (Tetaguichi-17th century); Our Lady of the Way of Choguita (Choguita-1761); Our Lady of Monserrat de Nonoava (Nonoava-1678); San Ignacio de Humariza (Humariza-1641) and San Antonio de Guasárachi (Guasárachi- 18th century).


In the Guachichi-Sinforosa region there are two small community museums: the first of them is located in the community of Guachochi, and the second called Towí in Rochéachi, 30 km. To the north. In them, the Rrámuri communities show us - in a simple and interesting way - various aspects of their culture.


The Guachochi-Sinforosa region is Tarahumara territory. If you are interested in learning more about this culture, we recommend Norogachi, one of the most popular communities for its celebrations.

Holy Week and the feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe, which takes place on December 12, are famous.


For lovers of hiking, touring the Barranca de Sinforosa, one of the great natural wonders of Mexico, will be one of their best experiences. However, before embarking on the trip it is necessary to consider that walking this canyon, whose deepest and steepest part covers a length of 60 to 70 km from the Verde River, may require between 15 and 20 days.

Other interesting and shorter walks, lasting three days, in the Sinforosa are the descents to the canyon from its viewpoints. For example, the descent to the Verde River from the Cumbres de Sinforosa to climb El Picacho. Three-day tours are also the descent from El Picacho to go up through El Puerto; or through Guérachi, visiting the Rrámuri community of Guérachi on the banks of the Verde River. Perhaps one of the most beautiful descents to the Sinforosa is the one that follows the course of the Guachochi River that descends 2 km from its source until it joins the Verde River.

The journey from the beautiful town of Tónachi to Batopilas-La Bufa, following the Tónachi and Batopilas rivers, and passing through multiple Rrámuri communities, lasts about a week.

Traveling the old royal road takes us back to the past of the region. The real path from Yoquivo to Satevó, to finish in Batopilas, can be walked in three days.

The one from Guaguachique to Guagueybo, both ancient Jesuit missions, crosses several ravines and ends at the edge of the famous Copper Canyon, where the beautiful mission of Guagueybo is located, dating from 1718 and that you cannot miss. The entrance to this important evangelizing mission can only be carried out on foot and is a day's journey. From here continue to Urique or El Divisadero, in either case you will cross the impressive Barranca del Cobre.


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