Traveler tips El Veladero National Park, Guerrero


El Veladero National Park was created by decree in 1980 with the aim of improving the ecological environment of the port of Acapulco and the Veladero hill, of historical importance.

El Veladoer National Park is located in front of Acapulco Bay and is a vast ecological reserve with an area of ​​more than 3,000 hectares.

From the highest part of the park, you can see beautiful views of the Bay of Santa Lucía, the Laguna de Coyuca and Pie de la Cuesta.

The highlight of El Veladero National Park is the archaeological site of Palma Sola, one of the most curious archaeological sites in the region.

Palma Sola consists of 18 rocks with petroglyphs created by the yopes, considered the first settlers in the area, apparently between 200 BC. 600 AD, a place that was inhabited for thousands of years, so it contains dozens of engravings on the rocks that occupy the top of this park.

The simple lines, but with a notorious symbolic meaning, are engraved in moles from one to eight meters long and between one and four meters high, scattered over about ten acres recently prepared with paths and stairs that facilitate access for tourists interested in the prehispanic cultures. The petroglyphs display anthropomorphic, zoomorphic, and geometric designs based on circles, squares, rectangles, wavy and straight lines, all chiseled several millimeters into the stones with great precision.

This archaeological site joins other existing cave art in Guerrero, among which are La Sabana, Puerto Marqués, Potrerillos, Tambuco, Zapotillo, Cajetilla, Boca Chica, El Coloso, Mogollitos or Mozimba, as well as the interesting Oxtotitlán cavern, in Chilapa, where you can see various Olmec wall paintings, or also the so-called Devil's Cave, located in Copanatoyac, with paintings of the same origin, which cover more than 30 m in the Cacahuaziziqui site.

In the Veladero National Park, the vegetation of medium forest and isolated populations of oaks predominate; Among the animals present here are the songbirds and the osprey, and the iguana and the boa among the reptiles. An ascent to this part of the old Acapulco will allow you to observe in all its amplitude the beautiful landscape that surrounds this beautiful port.


Take Costera Miguel Alemán to Av. Niños Héroes and continue along Av. Comunidad until Av. Palma Sola, reach Colonia Alta Independencia and continue along Calle La Mona. Another access is by the Miguel Alemán-Puerto Marqués coastline to Av. Cristóbal Colón.

El Veladeroyopes National Park


Video: WHAT TO DO IN ACAPULCO. Travel in Her Shoes. Acapulco, Mexico (September 2024).