Testimonial cathedrals


Chilpancingo Cathedral

Stage and style: It was built in the 18th - 19th centuries. The Generalissimo José María Morelos y Pavón made known the Sentiments of the Nation.

It is distinguished by: Its façade is topped by a triangular pediment and above it, an imperial eagle from the Iturbide coat of arms. The pair of towers that frame it are not very tall.

Main riches:
• The neoclassical side altarpieces stand out.

Querétaro Cathedral

Stage and style: Its construction began in the 18th century and was originally dedicated to San Felipe Neri, becoming a cathedral until 1921. On its façade there are two trios of very slender columns that frame the access; above the choir window a semi circular pediment can be seen, which indicates a free composition of baroque and neoclassical elements.

It is distinguished by: Having been blessed by Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla. The unfinished tower on its left side is also striking.

Main riches:
• On the main altar there is a remarkable group of sculptures representing the apostles John, Paul and Santiago crowned by a carved wooden Christ known as the Lord of Mercy from the 17th century.


Video: Mateso. Testimonial Melodies Ministers. Official Video +254718143894 (September 2024).