Puerto Peñasco. Sonoran Eden


From the top it looks so passive, sheltered by the desert and the Sea of ​​Cortez, it is difficult to even imagine such a place until you live it.

Just taking the first step is spectacular, because your view is not enough to distinguish where the endless areas of sand merge with the intense blue of the Sea of ​​Cortez, to become splendid beaches with warm waters that seduce you ... it is the ambivalence that awakens to be in such extreme places that define its personality.

From being a place for fishermen and adventurers in the 1930s, now Puerto Peñasco has become a paradise for pleasure and shopping. In its more than 100 kilometers of coastline, the large shopping centers or restaurants invite you to visit them and although it has large and luxurious buildings, there is also one or another street that still does not forget its legendary past.

Everyone's favorite destination

Its proximity to the United States made it an option to vacation and invest in large complexes. It is one of the most visited sites by the inhabitants of Arizona or San Luis Río Colorado for its easy access, a free zone that allows Americans to enter our country without any formalities. Thus, they cross the desert and enjoy a ride through the dunes, either on a motorcycle, in a jeep or in their mobile homes, especially when the afternoon comes and the landscape turns reddish with sunset. But the presence of our neighbors is also noticeable in the prices, even if you pay in pesos, they give you change in dollars!

The magic of this place is enveloping, I wanted to do everything! diving, skiing, sailing, fishing and kayaking; but I also dedicated myself to browsing the elegant complexes and shopping centers. So I came across the Galería del Mar Bermejo, whose artisan works caught my attention: handmade dresses, indigenous paintings and silver jewelry.

Total encounter with nature

In this cosmopolitan corner there is a space for rest and reflection, a few kilometers away its quiet and passive beaches await. Walking and feeling the fine sand on your feet, enjoying its calm waters and then immersing yourself in them is something that cannot be avoided. As my desire to feel that placid sea was many, I hired the services of a guide and embarked to Playa Hermosa to see the great marine life, I really could not believe that animals such as sea cucumbers or fire worms existed.

The beach options are many, for a full rest nothing like The Shells, and to do water sports Sandy beach It is the best for its waves.

The sea has always fascinated me and strong emotions attract me, so I did not hesitate for a second to go kayaking through the Morúa estuary. It is located approximately 8 kilometers from the port, the beauty of this site is manifested in a landscape of dunes and sea that allow the observation of many birds and where a rich marine life develops. It was an unforgettable walk that allowed me a total encounter with nature.

For a good palate

The stay in Puerto Peñasco or Rocky Point, as its visitors from the north tend to call it, is complemented by its good restaurants, where you will enjoy true marine delicacies such as long broth, seafood soup and shaken fish. You will also find delicious dishes at the Seafood Market, where I suggest you try that traditional drink that Sonorans are so proud of, the bacanora. Although it is a strong drink, it is a delight; According to what they told me, it is compared with the best spirits in the world and currently occupies, thanks to the climate and the land where it is made, a very important place among the representative drinks of Mexico, as well as tequila and mezcal.

I could tell you many more experiences in what was my short stay in this jewel of the Sea of ​​Cortez, but I prefer that you, like me, decide to indulge yourself in this paradisiacal place with a splendid sky, where the warmth of one of the most beautiful corners of the Sonoran desert. They must discover it and if they already know it, they will surely want to return.

5 Essentials

• Dive in the Sea of ​​Cortez.
• Tour its elegant shopping centers.
• Have an occasional glass of bacanora, the traditional drink.
• Visit the El Pinacate and Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserve.
• Travel by kayak through the Morúa estuary.


Video: Rocky Point Sonoran Sea (September 2024).