Miguel Dominguez


We present you the biography of Miguel Domínguez, one of the characters who participated in the struggle for our Independence ...

He was born in Mexico City in 1756. Of illustrious intelligence studies Law at the Colegio de San Ildefonso. At the age of 29 he is already a member of the Bar Association. He occupies various positions in the Secretariat of the Royal Treasury and in the mayor office of the viceregal government.

It is named Mayor of Querétaro, but he antagonizes him Viceroy Iturrigaray It is opposed to the authorities alienating the assets of pious works. Later the viceroy himself supported him to form a precursor board of independence (1808).

It identifies with ideologies of the liberating caudillos, although he does not openly engage in the fight. Together with his wife, Josefa Ortiz, he organizes literary evenings at home that cover up meetings to speed up the movement. When the conspiracy is denounced, he feigns surprise and after a brief investigation takes prisoner a man who makes cartridges. Miguel Domínguez is arrested by the realists and released shortly after. He accompanies his wife, deprived of her liberty, to Mexico City where she undergoes great hardships, but recognizing the work previously performed, Viceroy Apodaca allows her to collect a small pension.

In 1823, once Independence is consummated, he is part, as a substitute, of the Triumvirate that heads the Executive Power. A year later he is named President of the Supreme Court.

Miguel Dominguez died in the capital of Mexico in 1830.

Josefa Ortiz President of the Supreme Court Virrey Apodacavirrey Iturrigara


Video: LCCC Great Grad Miguel Dominguez (September 2024).