The food of Quintana Roo


Within the infinite mosaic of Mexican food, it stands out for the diversity of its condiments and for the enormous creativity used in the preparation of the dishes, the food of the Mexican southeast, marked by the heritage that comes from long ago: the Mayan and the Spanish. .

In the case of Quintana Roo, this heritage has been accentuated by the emergence of population centers from other places, as well as by the recent influence of the tourist corridor that extends over a good part of the state's coast. However, traditions are maintained where the past finds the sustenance of tradition, and thus the dishes of the peninsula can still be enjoyed in many places.

For the people of Quintana Roo, the flavor that chirmole, pipián, known as oni sikil, and papatz tzul give to regional food is familiar. Dishes such as stew, white filling, black filling, chocolomo and cochinita pibil, to refer only to some riches, require knowledge and great skill in their preparation. Among the cravings that can certainly be eaten in Quintana Roo are panuchos, salbutes, tamales, empanadas and garnachas, which delight the people.

On the other hand, the growth of tourist trends in recent years gave rise to a markedly cosmopolitan food that mainly incorporates the fruits of the sea and certain flavors with indigenous reminiscences.

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Video: My Tulum Mexico Experience. Alexa Collins (September 2024).