The Devil's backbone. Sierra Madre Occidental


There are some versions about the name that this zone received; one of them says that the impressive ravines that unfold on both sides of the road make the devil see it. Is it true?

The Devil's Backbone It is located at kilometer 168 of Highway 40 that connects the city of Durango with the port of Mazatlán, and covers a stretch of road of approximately 10 km, where you can contemplate the wonderful spectacle offered by the Sierra Madre Occidental.

The road runs between mountains and deep gullies cut from the pit. For this reason, the work involved in the construction of this road is admirable. In some sections, there are slopes on one side and large precipices on the other. Also, along the way you pass through a series of small towns that have a maximum of ten or twelve houses; in other places you only see some lost cabins in the bush.

The viewpoint of Buenos Aires it is located about 5 or 6 km from the west side, before reaching The Devil's backbone. From there you have a extraordinary panoramic view since it is the highest point of the route.

If the mountains are observed from this place, different figures are noticed according to the combination of light and shadow of that moment and, naturally, of the imagination of each one; can be distinguished the silhouettes of three friars gathered, formed by three very small mountains located in the distance. There are people who claim to have seen the devil's silhouette. Either way, the interesting thing is to stop at that place and see what figures we discover ...

The viewpoint of El Espinazo del Diablo has a unique view for its height (a plaque in the place indicated an altitude of 2,400 meters above sea level) on both sides, since it is located between two deep ravines, so it is worth getting out of the car and contemplating the immense extension and incomparable beauty of the Sierra Madre Occidental.

But the journey does not end there; You have to continue towards Durango and on the way you will find small widenings, to call them that, in which you can enjoy a surprising view due to its diversity. In this area it is striking that the landscape changes completely from one point to another, even if only a few meters are advanced. Wherever one stops, one has the impression of contemplating a perfect painting.

It is necessary to carry the full tankWell, there are no gas stations; however, in the Palmito town the fuel is sold, albeit at a high price. You must drive with caution, due to the presence of animals - horses, cows and donkeys - grazing on the side of the road.

It is advisable arrive early to El Espinazo del Diablo to appreciate it with enough light, because although it seems incredible, the mist begins to cover everything very quickly. We arrived at twelve o'clock in the day and there was a wonderful light, but at two in the afternoon the mist was already reaching the top of the mountains and it was descending at great speed. This drastic change in the landscape is worth witnessing, happening only in a matter of minutes.

Usually the topography is rocky and the climate cool. The vegetation of pine trees and small shrubs predominates. It is impossible to camp around here, as there is no proper place for it. The only thing there is is the extremely narrow road, but you can spend the night in one of the five or six motels that are on the way. With regard to food, there are several village restaurants on the road, as well as shops, one option is to bring prepared food.

Finally, we only have to invite you to visit El Espinazo del Diablo so that you can admire the wonder that is the Sierra Madre Occidental. It is a pity that this place is visited by so few people, because, in truth, from very few places you have the fortune to enjoy a view like this. We let you see for yourself. They will not be disappointed.


Is this one of the most beautiful walks that can be carried out by the state of Durango. Before reaching The jump you pass through several places of great beauty, which are worth stopping by. For example, approximately 36 km away is El Monasterio, from where you can enjoy the contemplation of a large ravine, which has been used many times as a film setting. Five kilometers ahead, in a splendid spot in the forest known as The soldier, there is a group of cabins for tourist accommodation.

Around kilometer 80 there is also a residential area that has cabins, a hotel and a good golf course called, together with merit, Sierra Paradise.

A little further on, following a short gap, are the Cabañas 1010, located in an elevated and highly wooded part, in whose streams sport fishing is practiced for splendid and abundant trout specimens. Finally, in El Salto it is recommended to stop at the Mil Diez tourist parador to enjoy magnificent wooded landscapes with a waterfall and a huge canyon.


You can leave from Mazatlán or from the city of Durango on Highway 40. The approximate time is three and a half hours.

The road is safe during the day and is generally in good condition, although some sections are bumpy. It is a two-lane road with very sharp curves, which cross the mountains. It is well guarded and is not very busy, with the exception of several cargo trucks and trailers that make it a bit slow.


Video: Puente Baluarte - El Atirantado más Alto del Mundo (September 2024).