Villa del Carbón, State of Mexico: Definitive Guide


If you have not decided where to go this vacation, or what place to visit on a free weekend, in Mexico you can find the popular «Magic towns«, Which stand out for offering beautiful landscapes, special traditions and unique gastronomy, among other things.

One of these towns is Villa del Carbón, a place that will transport you to the colonial era and will leave you amazed with its forests, its ecotourism activities, its food and its people, so gather your family and come together to enjoy this town. magical.

Among the attractions that you can find, are its beautiful cobbled streets and wooded landscapes, the amazing tranquility that floods the town, the work done in leather, its resorts and dams, excellent places for ecotourism and extreme sports.

Does Villa del Carbón have a story?

The town has a history that begins in 200 BC, when an Otomí settlement arose with the name of Nñontle, which means “Cima del Cerro”, giving shape to the regions of Chiapan and Xilotepec, which were later controlled by the Aztec people.

From 1713 it would be known as the Congregation of the Peña de Francia, when it was separated from Chiapan, and because it was a town that was dedicated to the extraction of coal, eventually its name changed to Villa del Carbón.

Today the population maintains its way of life based on tourism, the sale of handicrafts and leather products.

How do you get to Villa del Carbón?

You will find that the town of Villa del Carbón is surrounded by forests and dams, one of the reasons why it is considered a magical town, as well as offering beautiful architectural spaces, with its colonial-style buildings and cobblestone streets.

To get there, there are 3 options: the first is by bus, which costs around $ 30 and you can take it at the Cuatro Caminos terminal (Toreo); the second is that you take a bus at Terminal del Sur, where the Estrella Blanca and Estrella de Oro lines offer daily trips.

The third option is the most comfortable but it can also be the most expensive, and that is that you go by car through the highway of the Sun and after the Alpuyeca booth continue on the road to Taxco. In all the options your trip will take approximately 2 hours.

What activities are there to do?

Regardless of whether you go only for a weekend or for a longer time, in Villa del Carbón you can enjoy many activities, so we recommend you plan your day and wake up early to make the most of it.

To start, you can choose to go to one of the dams with ecotourism activities, special to enjoy fresh air and nature.

Go to the Llano Dam to rent a boat and take a relaxing ride while you contemplate the beautiful landscape. In the place you have cabins for rent and wading pools for children. You will find it at kilometer 4 of the Villa del Carbón - Toluca highway.

In the Taxhimay Dam there is a community that today is still inhabited by Otomi. You will find out that under its waters is what was once the town of San Luis de las Peras. Excellent place for you to take a boat, kayak or aquabike ride.

If you prefer other types of activities, in the Benito Juárez Dam you can go horseback riding, race on the ATV track or practice a little sport fishing. You will find this dam on the Tlalnepantla - Villa del Carbón road, at the entrance of the municipality.

Another great outdoor spot is Llano de Lobos, located southwest of Villa del Carbón. Here you can find a camping area, in addition to the option of being able to practice zip-lining and other extreme sports. There are palapas and a restaurant, so comfort is guaranteed.

If you prefer to take a dip, Villa del Carbón has 2 important options: 3 Hermanos Pools, where you can swim in one of its 2 pools or relax in its green areas; and the Las Cascadas recreational center, which has 3 pools, wading pools, a slide and a camping area.

Do not think that the fun ends in Villa del Carbón when the sun goes down, since the town has a nightclub for you to enjoy the best musical themes and non-stop dancing, the Eclipse Discoteca-Bar, located in the Villa del Carbón bypass. - Mota plate.

What relevant sites does Villa del Carbón have to visit?

If instead of doing outdoor activities you prefer to see yourself immersed in the beauty of this town, there are several places that will amaze you with its colonial appearance and full of charm.

Start your tour of the town in Plaza Hidalgo, known as the main meeting point in Villa del Carbón, and from where you can visit other places of interest. Follow your way to a very important building in the town, which took 40 years to complete, the Church of the Virgen de la Peña de Francia, a symbol of the 18th century.

Continue to the House of Culture, where you can find a museum that exhibits regional archaeological objects and figures, as well as being a space for local artistic works.

Concerts, plays, contests, dances and other occasional festivities take place in the open-air Park and Theater. If your visit coincides with any of these activities, do not hesitate to witness them.

If you like charreadas or want to know what it is about, in the Lienzo Charro Cornelio Nieto you can find events during festivities; It is a very traditional and emblematic place that you will love.

Cerro de la Bufa is a perfect place for you if you want to go to the highest peak of Villa del Carbón, from where you can admire the majesty of the landscape, with the vegetation that surrounds the place and the birth of several streams. .

What are the best options to stay?

In Villa del Carbón you can find the best accommodation option that suits your needs or budget, since the town has hotels in the center and recreational centers on the outskirts also offer accommodation.

Starting with the hotels, the Águila Real Boutique Hotel is located in the central area of ​​the town and has rooms and very beautiful rustic decorations. For information or reservations, the contact number is 588 913 0056.

The Hotel El Mesón has a beautiful interior that will make you think that you are in the colonial era, with its beautiful balconies. For information or reservations the contact number is 588 913 0728.

Other excellent options are Los Sauces hotels, located on Calle de Rafael Vega No. 5; the Los Ángeles hotel, located in the Villa del Carbón - Chapa de Mota bypass; and the Hotel Villa, with very affordable costs, located at Av. Alfredo del Mazo No. 22.

If you prefer, you can stay in one of the recreational centers that are in the vicinity of the town, which have at your disposal pools, camping areas and other services.

The first of these is La Angora, where they offer you a restaurant, pool, temazcal, tennis court, gotcha and camping area. For information and reservations the number is 045 55 1923 7504.

In El Chinguirito you will find a country-style hotel, with a large outdoor area with a natural stream, restaurant, swimming pools, sports areas and more.

You can also choose to rent and stay in one of the cabins located in the Llano Dam, where you can enjoy relaxing boat rides. For contact is his facebook page.

Where can you find crafts?

If you want to take a souvenir from this magical town, go to the Handicraft Market, where you will find works made with leather and wool, a wide variety of shoes, jackets, vests, boots, bags, belts, boots, hats, gloves and more.

In Villa del Carbón, artisan rompope is produced that we recommend you try and if you can, take one or two bottles with you, as there are different flavors, excellent flavor and very good quality.

Apart from the market, you can find crafts in the area located in the arches and portals in the center of town.

And this is how Villa del Carbón earns its well-deserved title of "Magical Town", with its beautiful wooded landscapes, its many ecotourism activities, the colonial architecture of its houses and buildings, the beautiful cobbled streets, its artisan products and its people. friendly and cordial.

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Video: Villa del Carbón y sus alrededores (September 2024).